Nishit123-git / Hospital-Mangement

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hospital Management System Website

This project is a Hospital Management System website that aims to streamline and automate various administrative tasks in a hospital setting. The website provides functionalities for managing patient records, scheduling appointments, tracking medical staff, and facilitating communication between different departments. This README file provides an overview of the project, its features, and instructions for running and using the website.

Table of Contents


The Hospital Management System website offers the following features:

  • Patient Management: Allows administrators to create, update, and view patient records, including personal details, medical history, and assigned doctors.
  • Appointment Scheduling: Enables patients to request appointments with specific doctors or departments, and allows staff to manage and schedule appointments.
  • Staff Management: Provides functionality to manage medical staff, including doctors, nurses, and administrative personnel, by adding, updating, and viewing their profiles and schedules.
  • Department Communication: Facilitates communication between different departments by providing a messaging system for staff to exchange information and collaborate effectively.
  • Administrative Dashboard: Offers an intuitive dashboard for administrators to monitor and manage various aspects of the hospital, such as patient statistics, appointment status, and staff performance.


The following dependencies are required to run the Hospital Management System website:

  • PHP (7.0+)
  • MySQL
  • Apache or Nginx web server

Ensure that PHP and MySQL are properly installed and configured on your server.


To set up the Hospital Management System website, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the project repository to your local machine or server.
  2. Import the provided SQL database dump file (hospital_management_system.sql) into your MySQL database.
  3. Configure the database connection settings by modifying the config.php file.
  4. Upload the project files to your web server.


To use the Hospital Management System website, follow these steps:

  1. Access the website using the URL of your deployed project.
  2. Register as an administrator using the provided registration functionality.
  3. Log in to the system using your credentials.
  4. Navigate through the different sections of the website to manage patients, appointments, staff, and departments.
  5. Utilize the administrative dashboard to monitor hospital statistics and performance.

Ensure that appropriate user roles and permissions are assigned to staff members based on their responsibilities.


Contributions to this project are welcome. If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue or submit a pull request to the GitHub repository of this project.
