Nirzak / service-account-to-access-kubernetes-api

Just clone this repo and run the commands to get a read only service account on kubernetes that can be used to access kubernetes API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Just clone this repo and run the commands to get a read only service account on kubernetes that can be used to access kubernetes API

Run the following commands sequentially to get everything ready

kubectl apply -f account.yml
kubectl apply -f clusterrole.yml
kubectl apply -f rolebinding.yml
kubectl apply -f secret.yml

This will create a service account on monitoring namespace on kubernetes cluster and will only have read only access to the cluster.

To get the sercret token of this service account to access the cluster, Run the following command:

kubectl describe secrets/<our_token_name> -n monitoring


Just clone this repo and run the commands to get a read only service account on kubernetes that can be used to access kubernetes API