Nirzak / alist-koyeb-updated-to-v3

Deploy alist to koyeb updated to v3

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The fastest way to deploy the alist to koyeb is to click the Deploy to Koyeb button below.

deploy to koyeb

Update the environment variables as follows:

DB_TYPE: mysql (you can also use sqlite3 and postgres. mysql is for remote db)

DB_HOST: provide db host address here (keep blank for sqlite3 db)

DB_USER: provide db username here (keep blank for sqlite3 db)

DB_PASS: provide db password here (keep blank for sqlite3 db)

DB_TABLE_PREFIX: alist_ (keep as it is)

CDN: (you can also use other CDN. but this CDN is tested and working.)

DB_PORT: 3306 (keep as it is)

PORT: 5244 (keep as it is)

DB_NAME: provide db name here (keep blank for sqlite3 db)

DB_SSL_MODE: false (only if you use mysql or postgres db. for sqlite3 this env variable is not needed)

N.B: During deploying keep watching the deploy logs to get the admin password. It will be appeared as initial password: text. For remote db you can't change it later using ./alist admin command.


You may need to use another remote MySQL database as instance restarts will lose data. Recommended Free MySQL Databases:


The initial password is randomly generated, and you can get it by checking the Runtime logs.


Deploy alist to koyeb updated to v3