Nirvana-icy / iOSDevTools

Set of repositories for different development tasks.

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Set of open sources for different development tasks.


AFNetworking iOS & OS X networking framework
asi-http-request CFNetwork wrapper for HTTP requests
RestKit Consuming and modeling RESTful web resources
Reachability ARC and GCD modification for Apple’s reachability class
socket.IO-objc v0.7.2+ for iOS devices

Image Processing

GPUImage GPU-based image and video processing
iOS-image-filters Photoshop-style image filters
ZXingObjC Objective-C Port of ZXing barcode image processing
SVGKit Display and interact with SVG Images on iOS / OS X
UIImage-BlurredFrame Blurred image effect
OpenCV Builded OpenCV iOS framework
Tesseract OCR OCR framework for iOS
LEColorPicker Generate iTunes like color scheme depends on artwork
DBCamera DBCamera is a simple custom camera with AVFoundation
iOS7-BarcodeScanner Barcode scanner using the scanning capabilities introduced with iOS 7.
iOS-WebP Google's WebP image format decoder and encoder for iOS


MBProgressHUD Custom alert
SVProgressHUD Another yet custom alert
PaperFold Paper folding animation for iOS
MPFoldTransition Another yet paper folding animation
ECSlidingViewController Facebook style view controller
MMDrawerController Another yet FB style view controller
TTAttributedLabel Replacement for UILabel that supports attributes, data detectors, links, and more
SVPullToRefresh Custom pull-to-refresh control
TSMessage Custom notifications from navigation bar
MCSwipeTableViewCell iOS Mail swipe-style cell
SWTableViewCell Another yet swipe-style cell
iOSPlot Chart library for iOS
SVWebViewController A drop-in inline browser for iOS app
PHFComposeBarView Compose bar from iOS 7
WYPopoverController Custom popover
ABCalendarPicker Calendar picker control
AMScrollingNavBar Scrollable UINavigationBar (Google+ style)
MDCParallaxView Parallax effect on view
Parallax Another yet parallax effect
GSBookShelf iBooks -style control
ANBlurredImageView Animated blur-in and blur-out on UIImageView.
SubjectiveCPhotoPanner A small clone of Facebook Paper's motion based photo panner
CRMotionView A custom photo viewer that implements device motion scrolling, inspired by Facebook Paper.
CRToast A modern iOS toast view that can fit your notification needs
RCCPeakableImageView Implementation of a "peekable" thumbnail image as shown at the Flag Kickstarter Project

SDWebImage Asynchronous image downloader with caching
FastImageCache iOS library for quickly displaying images while scrolling
Haneke A lightweight zero-config image cache for iOS.


MagicalRecord Easy Fetching for Core Data
JSONKit Objective-C JSON wrapper
json-framework JSON parser and generator
JSONModel Data Modelling Framework for JSON
fmdb Cocoa / Objective-C wrapper around SQLite
FCModel Alternative to Core Data for people who like having direct SQL access
TMCache Fast parallel object cache for iOS and OS X
SSKeychain Objective-C wrapper for the keychain
SSZipArchive Utility class for zipping and unzipping files on iOS and Mac
RNCryptor AES encryption wrapper for iOS and Mac
HTMLParser HTML parser
zipzap Zip file I/O for iOS & Maс OS
RegEx Categories Makes regular expressions easy in ObjC

#File System FCFileManager iOS File Manager on top of NSFileManager for simplifying files management.

iso-8601-date-formatter A Cocoa NSFormatter subclass to convert dates to and from ISO-8601-formatted strings. Supports calendar, week, and ordinal formats.

Debug Tools

PonyDebugger Remote network and data debugging
CocoaLumberJack Flexible logging framework for Mac and iOS
superdb realtime wireless debugger for iOS
OHHTTPStubs Stub network requests
NSLogger A modern, flexible logging tool
Xtrace Trace Objective-C method calls by class or instance

Unit Tests

Kiwi BDD for iOS
GHUnit Test Framework for Objective-C
OCMock Objective-C implementation of mock objects

UI Tests

UI AutoMonkey Stress testing script for iOS applications
Calabash BDD style UI testing


iHasApp Detect installed apps on a user's device
IntentKit Handle third-party URL schemes in iOS apps
iOS System Services Gather all available information about a device


PSLocationManager CoreLocation wrapper. Allows to track speed and distance.


JPSThumbnailAnnotation A simple mapkit annotation for displaying images and details.
calloutview A lightweight callout view class for iOS mimicking UICalloutView.
route-me Open source map library for iOS
mapbox-ios-sdk Mapbox iOS SDK, an open source alternative to MapKit.
CCHMapClusterController High-performance map clustering with MapKit for iOS and OS X. Integrate with 4 lines of code.

MHVideoPhotoGallery A Photo and Video Gallery for iOS 7 designed.

#Vendor SDKs or/and it wrappers FlickrKit An iOS Flickr Framework, written in Objective-C
objectiveflickr ObjectiveFlickr, a Flickr API framework for Objective-C
DropboxBrowser A simple ios Dropbox PDF Document Browser - list Dropbox, browse directory, download PDF Documents


Inkpad Vector illustration app for the iPad
Brushes Painting app for the iPhone and iPad
GraphSketcher A fast, simple graph drawing and data plotting app for OS X and iPad. by OmniGroup company.
mbus iOS implementation of the University of Michigan's bus dispatch system
mtigas/iOS-OnionBrowser An open-source, privacy-enhancing web browser for iOS, utilizing the Tor anonymity network
LTBlackList The missing Blacklist app for your iOS 5/6+ with private APIs. No Jailbreak Required!
lastfm-iphone The official iPhone application
cryptocat-ios Cryptocat for iOS. Easy to use encrypted instant messaging.
NewsMagazineApp Just a news magazine app with Flipboard style paging
Concurrency Source code for the Concurrency app:
Cheddar Cheddar for iOS
News-YC---iPhone The iPhone version of News/YC, a Hacker News reader and interactive iOS application.
Hacker-News Hacker News client for iPad and iPhone
DVIA Helps to learn iOS security. Blog
Sol° Flat style weather app.
Chimp Source code editor
TimeScoop Time Tracking Utility for iPhone
GraphiCal Calculator iOS app
FileSystem FileSystem is an application that allows you to browse the content of your iPhone disk, displaying file and folders, files contents, and detailed informations about file and folder permissions.
google-music-mac Turn Google Music into a separate, beautiful application compatible with your Mac's media keys and including support for notifications.
ChattAR-ios Augmented Reality Chat for iOS code sample (works with Facebook API and QuickBlox API)

#Xcode Plugins
Injection for Xcode Runtime Code Injection for Objective-C
BBUDebuggerTuckAway Xcode plugin for auto-hiding the debugger once you start typing in the source code editor
XAlign An amazing Xcode plugin to align regular code.
CocoaPods for Xcode Dependency management helper for your CocoaPods, right in Xcode
BBUncrustifyPlugin-Xcode Xcode plugin to format source code using ClangFormat or Uncrustify
FuzzyAutocompletePlugin A Xcode 5 plugin that adds more flexible autocompletion rather than just prefix-matching.
KSImageNamed-Xcode Xcode plug-in that provides autocomplete for imageNamed: calls
ProvisionQL Quick Look plugin for .ipa and .mobileprovision
ClangFormat-Xcode Xcode plug-in to to use clang-format from in Xcode and consistently format your code with Clang
XToDo Xcode plugin to collect and list the TODO,FIXME,???,!!!!
XcodeExplorer An Xcode4 plugin to view the internal goings-on of Xcode
JDPluginManager An Xcode PluginManager - simplifies installing, updating and deleting
ColorSense Plugin for Xcode to make working with colors more visual
VVDocumenter Xcode plug-in which helps you write Javadoc style documents easier.
KSImageNamed-Xcode Xcode plug-in that provides autocomplete for imageNamed: calls
Lin A Localization Manager for Xcode 5
Dash-Plugin-for-Xcode Plugin for Xcode to integrate the Dash documentation viewer app

#Xcode Templates iOS-Universal-Library-Template An Xcode 4 project template to create universal (armv6, armv7 and simulator) frameworks for iOS.

Crafter Crafter - setup your cocoa projects with ease.
iOStream Mobile presentations made easy. Install the SDK and start streaming now.
iOS-Build-Kit BuildKit is a modular command line interface for automating iOS project builds. Bundled build tasks include: Increment app version • Xcode build • Overlay version number on icon files • Run unit tests • Create .ipa artefact.
fui Find unused Objective-C imports.
class-dump Generate Objective-C headers from Mach-O files.
iOS-Universal-Library-Template An Xcode 4 project template to create universal (armv6, armv7 and simulator) frameworks for iOS.
chisel Chisel is a collection of LLDB commands to assist debugging iOS apps.
objc_dep Graph the import dependancies in an Objective-C project

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Set of repositories for different development tasks.