Nipsuli / unisonhttp

WIP: unison http implementation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Simple HTTP server and client written in unison. I've tried to follow RFC 2616 on request and response parsing and creation as well as possible, but as this is first http implementation I've written, please let me know if there is something wrong. Also contributions are welcome :)


Installation pull .http

Run example echo server with ucm run .http.example.echo and check http://localhost:8081/

Run example client call against ucm run .http.example.postmanEchoGet


  • HttpResponse -DONE
  • HttpRequest -DONE
  • HttpServer -Simple server DONE
  • HttpClient -Simple client DONE
  • --> POC DONE
  • See plans for future from here


type HttpResponse = {
  statusCode: Nat,
  headers: Map Text Text,
  body: Optional Text

type HttpRequest = {
  method : HttpMethod,
  path : Text,
  query : Map Text Text,
  headers : Map Text Text,
  body : Optional Text


simpleServer : Map Text Text -> (HttpRequest -> HttpResponse) -> '{io.IO} ()

The default values for the configuration Map are:

Map ["host", "port", "requestMaxSize"] ["", "8081", "1024"]


simpleRequest : Map Text Text -> HttpRequest -> {io.IO} Optional HttpResponse

Where the config Map is:

Map ["host", "port", "responseMaxSize"] ["", "80", "1024"]

Only host is required, other are optional.

Main request and response functions:

HttpResponse.toText : HttpResponse -> Text
HttpResponse.toBytes : HttpResponse -> Bytes
HttpResponse.fromText : Text -> Optional HttpResponse
HttpResponse.fromBytes : Bytes -> Optional HttpResponse

HttpRequest.toText : HttpRequest -> Text
HttpRequest.toBytes : HttpRequest -> Bytes
HttpRequest.fromText : Text -> Optional HttpRequest
HttpRequest.fromBytes : Bytes -> Optional HttpRequest

Utility functions:

HttpResponse.statusCodeToReason : Nat -> Text
headersToText : Map Text Text -> Text
parseHttpMethod : Text -> Optional HttpMethod
parseMessageHeaders : Text -> Map Text Text
parsePath : Text -> Optional Text
parseQuery : Text -> Map Text Text
parseStatusCode : Text -> Optional Nat
queryToText : Map Text Text -> Text

Mapped status codes:

HttpResponse.statusCodeReason = Map.fromList ([
  (100, "Continue"),
  (101, "Switching Protocols"),
  (102, "Processing"),
  (200, "OK"),
  (201, "Created"),
  (202, "Accepted"),
  (203, "Non-Authoritative Information"),
  (204, "No Content"),
  (205, "Reset Content"),
  (206, "Partial Content"),
  (207, "Multi-Status"),
  (208, "Already Reported"),
  (226, "IM Used"),
  (300, "Multiple Choices"),
  (301, "Moved Permanently"),
  (302, "Found"),
  (303, "See Other"),
  (304, "Not Modified"),
  (305, "Use Proxy"),
  (307, "Temporary Redirect"),
  (308, "Permanent Redirect"),
  (400, "Bad Request"),
  (401, "Unauthorized"),
  (402, "Payment Required"),
  (403, "Forbidden"),
  (404, "Not Found"),
  (405, "Method Not Allowed"),
  (406, "Not Acceptable"),
  (407, "Proxy Authentication Required"),
  (408, "Request Timeout"),
  (409, "Conflict"),
  (410, "Gone"),
  (411, "Length Required"),
  (412, "Precondition Failed"),
  (413, "Request Entity Too Large"),
  (414, "Request-URI Too Long"),
  (415, "Unsupported Media Type"),
  (416, "Requested Range Not Satisfiable"),
  (417, "Expectation Failed"),
  (418, "I'm a teapot"),
  (420, "Enhance Your Calm"),
  (422, "Unprocessable Entity"),
  (423, "Locked"),
  (424, "Failed Dependency"),
  (426, "Upgrade Required"),
  (428, "Precondition Required"),
  (429, "Too Many Requests"),
  (431, "Request Header Fields Too Large"),
  (444, "No Response"),
  (449, "Retry With"),
  (450, "Blocked by Windows Parental Controls"),
  (451, "Unavailable For Legal Reasons"),
  (499, "Client Closed Request"),
  (500, "Internal Server Error"),
  (501, "Not Implemented"),
  (502, "Bad Gateway"),
  (503, "Service Unavailable"),
  (504, "Gateway Timeout"),
  (505, "HTTP Version Not Supported"),
  (506, "Variant Also Negotiates"),
  (507, "Insufficient Storage"),
  (508, "Loop Detected"),
  (509, "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded"),
  (510, "Not Extended"),
  (511, "Network Authentication Required")


WIP: unison http implementation

License:MIT License