Ninir / assignments-2019

A place to turn in assignments for the 2019 session of Carrot U

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How To Turn In Carrot U Assignments

You will be turning in assignments by using Git, creating Pull Requests, and merging them into this repo.

Let's go over what that means. All code examples are things to type in to the command line.

First Time You Do This On A Computer

Clone the repo to your local machine. Navigate to a directory that you want to keep this repo. Running this command will create a new directory called assignments-2019 in that directory.

git clone

Whenever You Want To Submit An Assignment

  1. navigate to the assignments directory
cd assignments-2019 # or however you need to get there
  1. make sure you're on the master branch
git checkout master
  1. update your local copy of master from the remote (the version on Github)
git pull -r origin master
  1. start a new branch for your changes
git checkout -b dave-assignment-0 # this creates a git branch called "dave-assignment-0" and checks it out for you
  1. navigate to the assignment directory and create a folder for your work
cd assignement-0
mkdir dschwantes # note: "dschwantes" is just an example directory name, please use your own name or username
cd dschwantes
  1. Add your files/folder for your solution to this directory

  2. When you're done. Stage the files and make a commit.

git add . # this will add all of the new files you've created
git commit -m "files for Assignment 0" # the `-m` means you're adding a message or comment, the stuff in "quotes" is the comment for the commit
  1. Push your branch to the remote repo (Github)
git push origin -u dave-assignment-0 # the `-u` links the remote branch to this local one so you can pull without arguments, remember `dave-assignment-0` is the branch name for this example
  1. Go to the Carrot U Assignments Github page and create a Pull Request for your branch.

  2. Merge it to master

  3. Now check out master and pull again to see your changes

git checkout master
git pull -r origin master

Other Resources On Git


A place to turn in assignments for the 2019 session of Carrot U