Nikstar-1 / new-password-generator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Website Title and Description

Password Generator is an application that an employee can use to generate a random password based on criteria they’ve selected. This app will run in the browser, and will feature dynamically updated HTML and CSS powered by JavaScript code. It has a clean and polished user interface that is responsive, ensuring that it adapts to multiple screen sizes.

Password Generator

Users can easily generate a password when they want to access sensitive data.

How to access?

The website can be found at the following address:

## Screenshots

"Start Page"

"Start Page"

"Start Page"

User Story

AS AN employee with access to sensitive data

I WANT to randomly generate a password that meets certain criteria

SO THAT I can create a strong password that provides greater security

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN I need a new, secure password

WHEN I click the button to generate a password

THEN I am presented with a series of prompts for password criteria

WHEN prompted for password criteria

THEN I select which criteria to include in the password

WHEN prompted for the length of the password

THEN I choose a length of at least 8 characters and no more than 128 characters

WHEN prompted for character types to include in the password

THEN I choose lowercase, uppercase, numeric, and/or special characters

WHEN I answer each prompt

THEN my input should be validated and at least one character type should be selected

WHEN all prompts are answered

THEN a password is generated that matches the selected criteria

WHEN the password is generated

THEN the password is either displayed in an alert or written to the page



Language:JavaScript 49.9%Language:CSS 33.1%Language:HTML 17.0%