NiklasEi / bevy_common_assets

Collection of generic asset loaders for common file formats

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

bevy_sprite should be should be behind a feature flag, not a hard dependency

rydb opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to optimize my cargo build times for my project, and a major slow down I've noticed for recompiles is bevy_sprite. I'm making a 3d project, and I'd like to be able to remove bevy_sprite, since I don't need it, but this crate makes it a hard dependency.

A '2d' feature flag would let people who use this crate and bevy_asset_loader to remove bevy_sprite, and speed up re-compiles for 3d projects.

Sorry, I don't see where bevy_common_assets makes bevy_sprite a hard dependency. A project with the following dependencies does not depend on bevy_sprite

bevy = {version = "0.11", default-features = false }
bevy_asset_loader = "0.17.0"
bevy_common_assets = "0.7.0"

Could you please double-check your features and where the dependency comes from?


Sorry, I don't see where bevy_common_assets makes bevy_sprite a hard dependency. A project with the following dependencies does not depend on bevy_sprite

bevy = {version = "0.11", default-features = false }
bevy_asset_loader = "0.17.0"
bevy_common_assets = "0.7.0"

Could you please double-check your features and where the dependency comes from?

Taking a second look at the cargo.toml for bevy_common_assets, I don't see it there. I think my issue was with bevy_asset_loader, but I'm looking at that's cargo.toml again, and now I see there is a 2d and 3d flag there.