NikhilMukraj / oxidized_ga

A genetic algorithm written to optimize basic discrete problems, simple neural networks, and graphs

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Oxidized GA

Core Functionality

Bit String


Creates a BitString given a string of numerical values

  • string: A string of characters that are either '0' or '1'


Sets the string value of the BitString to a given string

  • string: A string of characters that are either '0' or '1'


Returns the length of the given BitString


Returns the string stored within the class


oxidized_ga.decode(bitstring, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, n_bits)

Given a BitString, decodes the binary into usable float values (using the number of bits provided) and scales it to the given bounds

  • bitstring: A bitstring represented as a string (ga.BitString.string)
  • lower_bounds: (1D numpy float32 array, one element for each value decode should return) the lower bound to scale the output of decode to
  • upper_bounds: (1D numpy float32 array, one element for each value decode should return) the upper bound to scale the output of decode to
  • n_bits: The (positive) integer number of bits each value within the bitstring takes up

Genetic Algorithm

genetic_algo(objective_func, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, n_bits, n_iter, n_pop, r_cross, r_mut, k, settings, workers, total_n_bits, print_output)

Performs the genetic algorithm given an objective function

  • objective_func: A python function that has the arguments (string, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, n_bits, settings) that the BitStrings will be scored on
  • lower_bounds: (1D numpy float32 array, one element for each value decode should return) the lower bound to scale the output of decode to
  • upper_bounds: (1D numpy float32 array, one element for each value decode should return) the upper bound to scale the output of decode to
  • n_bits: The (positive) integer number of bits each value within the BitString takes up
  • n_iter: The (positive) integer number of iterations to perform the genetic algorithm for
  • n_pop: The (positive, even) integer size of the population of BitStrings to evaluate
  • r_cross: The (float) chance of performing crossover
  • r_mut: The (float) chance of a 0 or 1 flipping during mutation
  • k: The (positive integer) number of individuals to pull from while performing each tournament selection
  • settings: (optional, defaults to {}) any secondary parameters to be passed to the objective function
  • workers: (optional, defaults to 0) the level of parallelism to use
    • 0: No parallelism
    • 1: Paralleism only during creation of mutations and execution of crossover functions
    • >=2: Parallelism during mutation and crossover as well as the amount of threads to use while executing the objective functions
  • total_n_bits: (optional, defaults to None) the total amount of bits the BitStrings should be
  • print_output: (optional, defaults to None, automatically print output) boolean as whether or not to print information about the genetic algorithm while running

Neural Networks


Activation Types: ReLU, Sigmoid, Tanh, Swish, ELU


Applies the given activation function on a given value

x: A numerical value


oxidized_ga.Layer(size, weights, biases, activation)

Create a layer class given the shape of the layer, the weight values, the biases, and an activation

size: The (positive) integer value specifying the shape of the layer weights: A 2D numpy float32 array that contains the weight specifications biases: A 1D numpy float32 array that contains the bias specifications activation: A oxidized_ga.Activation type


Resets the given weights with a set of weights

new_weights: A 2D numpy float32 array that contains the weight specifications


Resets the given weights with a set of bias

new_biases: A 1D numpy float32 array that contains the bias specifications


Calculate the output of a layer given some inputs

inputs: A 1D numpy float32 array that contains the inputs

Neural Network

oxidized_ga.NeuralNetwork(size, layers)

Creates a NeuralNetwork class given the size of the network and how many layers

  • size: The (positive) integer number of layers within the neural network
  • layers: A list of Layer classes to use within the neural network, the output shape of the previous neural network (which should mean that the first dimensions of one layer should be the same as the second dimension of the next layer)


Calculates the output of the neural network given some inputs

  • inputs: A 1D numpy float32 array that contains the input values to use

oxidized_ga.NeuralNetwork.set_layer(index, new_weights, new_biases)

Resets the weights or biases of a given layer given the new values and the index of the layer

  • index: The index of the layer to edit
  • new_weights: An (optional, defaults to None) 2D numpy float32 array containing the new weight values that must match the shape of the original weights
  • new_biases: An (optional, defaults to None) 1D numpy float32 array containing the new bias values that must match the shape of the original biases

oxidized_ga.NeuralNetwork.re_init_layer(index, new_layer)

Re-initializes a given layer with another layer by index

  • index: A (positive) integer representing the index of the layer to edit
  • new_layer: A new Layer class that matches the shape of the previous layer's weights and biases


Adds a new layer to the NeuralNetwork class given a Layer class

  • new_layer: A new layer which weights' second dimensions match the first dimensions of the last layer's weights

Architecture Explanation

    index_number_1: [[oxidized_ga.Activation.type1, oxidized_ga.Activation.type2], [input_shape_1, input_shape_2]],
    index_number_2: [[oxidized_ga.Activation.type2, oxidized_ga.Activation.type3, oxidized_ga.Activation.type4], [input_shape_2, input_shape_3]],

The index number specifies where the place the layer, and chooses an activation type from the list provided, and uses the input shapes to determine the shape of the weights and biases

Neural Network Get Bits

oxidized_ga.neural_network_get_bits(precision, activation_precision, architecture)

Returns the amount of bits that a neural network will take up given the precision of the weights and biases, the precision of the representation of the activation functions, and the architecture

  • precision: The number of bits each weight or bias will take up
  • activation_precision: The number of bits each activation function will take up
  • architecture: A dictionary storing a representation of the neural network (see architecture explanation)

Neural Network Decode

oxidized_ga.neural_network_decode(bitstring, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, precision, activation_precision, architecture)

Decodes a BitString into a NeuralNetwork given the bounds, the precision, the activation's precision, and the architecture

  • bitstring: A bitstring represented as a string (ga.BitString.string)
  • lower_bounds: (1D numpy float32 array, one element for each value decode should return) the lower bound to scale the output of decode to
  • upper_bounds: (1D numpy float32 array, one element for each value decode should return) the upper bound to scale the output of decode to
  • precision: The number of bits each weight or bias will take up
  • activation_precision: The number of bits each activation function will take up
  • architecture: A dictionary storing a representation of the neural network (see architecture explanation)

Neural Network Genetic Algorithm

oxidized_ga.neural_net_genetic_algo(objective_func, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, precision, activation_precision, architecture, n_iter, n_pop, r_cross, r_mut, k, settings, workers, print_output)

Performs a genetic algorithm using the provided objective function ultizing the NeuralNetwork class

  • objective_func: A python function that has the arguments (string, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, n_bits, settings) that the BitStrings will be scored on
  • lower_bounds: (1D numpy float32 array, one element for each value decode should return) the lower bound to scale the output of decode to
  • upper_bounds: (1D numpy float32 array, one element for each value decode should return) the upper bound to scale the output of decode to
  • precision: The number of bits each weight or bias will take up
  • activation_precision: The number of bits each activation function will take up
  • n_iter: The (positive) integer number of iterations to perform the genetic algorithm for
  • n_pop: The (positive, even) integer size of the population of BitStrings to evaluate
  • r_cross: The (float) chance of performing crossover
  • r_mut: The (float) chance of a 0 or 1 flipping during mutation
  • k: The (positive integer) number of individuals to pull from while performing each tournament selection
  • settings: (optional, defaults to {}) any secondary parameters to be passed to the objective function
  • workers: (optional, defaults to 0) the level of parallelism to use
    • 0: No parallelism
    • 1: Paralleism only during creation of mutations and execution of crossover functions
    • >=2: Parallelism during mutation and crossover as well as the amount of threads to use while executing the objective functions
  • total_n_bits: (optional, defaults to None) the total amount of bits the BitStrings should be
  • print_output: (optional, defaults to None, automatically print output) boolean as whether or not to print information about the genetic algorithm while running




Create a (directed) Graph class with no edges given a dictionary of node and value key-value pairs

  • nodes: A dictionary of nodes (integers >=0) and their values (integers >=0)


Returns a dictionary of the nodes and their values


Resets the Graph class with a new set of nodes

  • new_nodes: A dictionary of nodes (integers >=0) and their values (integers >=0)


Returns an adjacency matrix with the nodes and their edges

oxidized_ga.Graph.edit_edge(start, end, weight)

Edits the weight value of a given edge using the start and end nodes

  • start: Start node (unsigned integer)
  • end: End node (unsigned integer)
  • weight: Weight value (float32)


Edits a list of edges using the start node, end node, and weight provided

  • edges_to_edit: A list of edges to edit in the following format:
  [start1, end1, weight1],
  [start2, end2, weight2],
  [start3, end3, weight3],


Adds a node with a value

  • value: Unsigned integer or None, if None the value defaults to 0


Adds the given amount of vertices to the Graph with the default

  • vertices: (unsigned integer or None) number of vertices to add with the default value of zero


Adds a node for each value within the input with the value that the input specifies

  • values: A list of unsigned integers

oxidized_ga.Graph.update_node_value(node, new_value)

Updates a node with the specified value

  • node: Unsigned integer specifying which node
  • new_value: Unsigned integer to update node with


Returns every edge in the Graph in the following format:

  [start1, end1, weight1],
  [start2, end2, weight2],
  [start3, end3, weight3],


Returns a boolean specifying whether or not the given node is an end node (connected by only one other node)

  • node: Unsigned integer specifying where the node is

oxidized_ga.Graph.get_connected_component(start_node, disconnected_nodes)

Returns the connected subgraph to the given start node using breath first search, cuts the subgraph off at any specified disconnected nodes

  • start_node: Unsigned integer specifying where the start node is
  • disconnected_nodes: A list of unsigned integers specifying which nodes to ignore, (leave list empty if no nodes)


Returns all nodes connected to the specified node

  • node: Unsigned integer specifying where the start node is

oxidized_ga.Graph.replace_subgraph(subgraph, start_node, other_node)

  • subgraph: Graph class to add into
  • start_node: Unsigned integer where to start replacing
  • other_node: (Optional, if start_node is end node) unsigned integer specifying end part of edge to replace


Mutates the value (type) of the node given a ruleset

  • rules: A dictionary in the following format that specifies what values a given type can mutate into:
  0 : [1, 2, 3],
  1 : [0, 3],
  2 : [],
  3 : [1, 2],

oxidized_ga.Graph.mutate_edges(rules, edges)

Mutates the edges of the Graph given a ruleset and what values edges can be generated as

  • rules: A ruleset in the following format specifying which nodes can connect to one another by edges:
  0 : [1, 2, 3],
  1 : [0, 3],
  2 : [],
  3 : [1, 2],
  • edges: A 1D numpy float32 array of length 2 that specifes the lower and upper bound the edges can be generated within, defaults to None meaning that all edges will default to be generated with the value of 1.0

oxidized_ga.Graph.mutate_vertices(add_types, delete_types)

Adds or removes vertices given a set of node types that can be added or that can be deleted

  • add_types: A 1D numpy uint32 or uint64 array that specifies what vertex types can be added
  • delete_types: A 1D numpy uint32 or uint64 array that specifies what vertex types can be deleted

oxidized_ga.Graph.mutate_weights(lower, upper)

Mutates a random edge weight given a lower and upper bound

  • lower: Float lower bound
  • upper: Float upper bound

oxidized_ga.Graph.create_random(size_range, prob, edge_range, values)

Creates a random graph given the potential size, the probability of an edge being created, the range of weights those edges can generate with, and the types of nodes that can be generated

  • size_range: A tuple of two positive integers that specifies the inclusive range that graphs can be generated from, (only generates one size if first and second value are the same)
  • prob: Probability of generating an edge, (between 0 and 1)
  • edge_range: A tuple of two floats that specifies the lower and upper bounds at which eac edge can generate, (defaults to None, where every edge generated is equal to 1.0)
  • values: A 1D numpy array of uint32 or uint64 of the potential values of each node that can be generated, (defaults to None, where every vertex has a value of 0)

Graph Mutate

oxidized_ga.mutate(graph, r_mut, reps=None, type_rules, vertex_rules, edge_rules, weight_rules, possible_edges)

Mutates a graph given a a chance for mutation, how many times to repeat mutations, and the given rulesets

  • graph: A Graph class
  • r_mut: A float between 0 and 1 stating that chance of the Graph mutating
  • reps: A positive integer representing how many times to repeat mutation process with a chance of r_mut, (defaults to None, meaning it mutates once)
  • type_rules: A dictionary in the following format that specifies what values a given type can mutate into, (defaults to None):
  0 : [1, 2, 3],
  1 : [0, 3],
  2 : [],
  3 : [1, 2],
  • vertex_rules: A tuple of two 1D numpy uint32 or uint64 arrays, which respectively represent what types can be added or deleted, (defaults to None)
  • edge_rules: A ruleset in the following format specifying which nodes can connect to one another by edges, (defaults to None):
  0 : [1, 2, 3],
  1 : [0, 3],
  2 : [],
  3 : [1, 2],
  • possible_edges: A 1D numpy float32 array of length 2 that specifes the lower and upper bound the edges can be generated within, defaults to None meaning that all edges will default to be generated with the value of 1.0
  • weight_rules: A tuple of two floats, a lower bound and upper bound for mutating the value of an edge, (defaults to None meaning all edges generated will be 1.0)

Graph Isolate Subgraph

oxidized_ga.isolate_random_subgraph(graph, return_vertices)

Returns a random subgraph within a Graph class

  • graph: Graph class to select a subgraph from
  • return_vertices: A boolean stating whether to return a vector of the selected nodes within the original Graph that are now in the subgraph

Graph Crossover

oxidized_ga.crossover(graph1, graph2, r_cross)

Performs a crossover to mix the traits between two graphs

  • graph1: A parent Graph class
  • graph2: A parent Graph class
  • r_cross: Probability of crossover being performed

Graph Genetic Algorithm

oxidized_ga.graph_genetic_algo(objective_func, n_iter, n_pop, r_cross, r_mut, k, size_range, initialization_prob, settings, parallel, reps, edge_range, values, type_rules, vertex_rules, edge_rules, weight_rules, possible_edges)

Performs a genetic algorithm using the provided objective function ultizing the Graph class

  • objective_func: A python function that has the arguments (string, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, n_bits, settings) that the BitStrings will be scored on
  • n_iter: The (positive) integer number of iterations to perform the genetic algorithm for
  • n_pop: The (positive, even) integer size of the population of BitStrings to evaluate
  • r_cross: The (float) chance of performing crossover
  • r_mut: The (float) chance of a 0 or 1 flipping during mutation
  • k: The (positive integer) number of individuals to pull from while performing each tournament selection
  • size_range: A tuple of two positive integers that specifies the inclusive range that graphs can be generated from, (only generates one size if first and second value are the same)
  • initialization_prob: Probability of generating an edge, (between 0 and 1)
  • settings: (optional, defaults to {}) any secondary parameters to be passed to the objective function
  • parallel: Boolean as to whether or not to use parallelism during mutation and crossover
  • reps: A positive integer representing how many times to repeat mutation process with a chance of r_mut, (defaults to None, meaning it mutates once)
  • type_rules: A dictionary in the following format that specifies what values a given type can mutate into, (defaults to None):
  0 : [1, 2, 3],
  1 : [0, 3],
  2 : [],
  3 : [1, 2],
  • vertex_rules: A tuple of two 1D numpy uint32 or uint64 arrays, which respectively represent what types can be added or deleted, (defaults to None)
  • edge_rules: A ruleset in the following format specifying which nodes can connect to one another by edges, (defaults to None):
  0 : [1, 2, 3],
  1 : [0, 3],
  2 : [],
  3 : [1, 2],
  • possible_edges: A 1D numpy float32 array of length 2 that specifes the lower and upper bound the edges can be generated within, defaults to None meaning that all edges will default to be generated with the value of 1.0
  • weight_rules: A tuple of two floats, a lower bound and upper bound for mutating the value of an edge, (defaults to None meaning all edges generated will be 1.0)

To Do

  • Replace threadpoolexecution with processorpoolexecution
  • Create oxidized_ga.Graph.delete_vertex function
  • Wrap oxidized_ga.graph_genetic_algo in python function, and add default parameters on Rust side of the code through pyo3 attribute
  • Create tree and undirected graph classes


A genetic algorithm written to optimize basic discrete problems, simple neural networks, and graphs


Language:Rust 95.5%Language:Python 4.5%