NigelEarle / DevLeague-Modules


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DevLeague Modules


Modules that are prepended with a - are ready to be formatted.

Modules that are prepended with a _ are empty.

Module Structure

Each module may contain a sub-module, in which case, only contains directories for each sub-module

Each module contains a which is the primary document to start from.

see module Module template below

Each module may contain sub-directories, given that they are described and referenced from the README

Module template

see OOP Module for an example

[Module name]

Suggested order of delivery

  1. Intro (whiteboard)
  2. Slideshow
  3. JS Constructors
  4. Difference Classes, Objects, Inheritence (talk)
  5. Kingdom of OOP
  6. Check in, understanding of constructors, inheritence, and super calls (talk)
  7. verify (acceptance)


  • a list of topics for this module
  • define a level of understanding for each topic
  • example:
    • Defining Classes [grok]
    • Instantiating Objects [grok]
    • Class Inheritence [grok]
    • Interfaces [teach]
    • Polymorphism [about]
    • Multiple Inheritence [about]
  • where:
    • [grok] => Grokking a topic
    • [teach] => ability to communicate topic to colleagues in a way they can teach it or know about it
    • [about] => knows about a topic at a high level enough to know it exists and do further research as needed


  • criteria used to determine completion of this module
  • answers these questions:
    • what have the students learned?
    • what can a student do to demonstrate knowledge or mastery?
    • how do we know that a student has obtained proper training?


  1. Slideshow


  • list of challenges
  • list of exercises
  • list of projects
  • and links to their github
  1. JS Zombies
  2. JS Constructors
  3. Kingdom of OOP

Additional Resources


use vim-reveal ?

use Remark ?

to present, use ngrok then distribute the url

DevLeague Topics

the "Grok" list:

