NielsMasdorp / HeartstoneAssessment

Heartstone Assessment for job candidates

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Heartstone Android by Niels Masdorp


This app is separated in 2 modules:

  • app: Android module that is responsible for showing the actual app, it uses the MVP architecture for the presentation layer. This module also contains the data providers
  • domain: This is where all the business logic is located, it is a pure Java module with no Android related dependencies

In order to create a clear separation of concerns and to separate low level components (UI) from the high level components (Entities and Use Cases) I have used the Clean Architecture proposed by Uncle Bob.

Third party libraries

In order to have proper dependency injection to tie all these components together I have chosen to use the well known and community supported Dagger 2 library. For image loading I have chosen to use Glide, which is just a preference over something like Picasso.

For logging I have used Jake Wharton's Timber. And lastly to create asynchronous streams I have used RxJava 2. For this project I could have gone without since there is not a lot of data flowing through the application, but I chose to include it to show that I am comfortable using it.


Cards: I have not chosen to host any data on a backend. I stored the JSON file in /assets and loaded it into memory.

Favorites: Are stored in Shared Preferences

Both data storage solutions are easily interchangeable with other solutions due to the architecture (e.g. implement storage interface and bind new implementation in Dagger module)


Data repository accepts a request model with criteria for cards and is being used to query legendary cards with a certain mechanic, this can of course be extended to support more criteria as well.


The request model also supports a sorting strategy (asc and desc), currently, this sorts the list by the name of the card


Heartstone Assessment for job candidates


Language:Kotlin 100.0%