NicoSartor / WebDevResources

A Library of Resources for Web Development

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Library Of Web Development Resources

Code Challenges:


Interesting Projects:

Project Management:


  • whatruns (Chrome extension to check browser compatibility of your webapps)
  • JSONView (Chrome extension that makes JSON files readable)


CSS Snippets:

Design Inspiration:

Free Assets:

Free Vectors:

Free Images:

Other Free Assets:

CSS Design Resources:




  • ParticlesJS (Particles for Javascript)
  • Three.js (3D objects in Javascript)
  • fullPage.js (Snap scrolling ferature/Horizontal sliders, great for mobile web)
  • Typed.js (Type animation)
  • Waypoints.js (Trigger functions when scrolling to an element)
  • Chart.js (Create beautiful charts with javascript and animate them)
  • InstaClick (Increases website performance by pre-loading resources on mouse hover)
  • Chartist (Like Chart.js but different!)
  • MOTIO (A library for sprite animations and planning)
  • ANIMSITION (Animate CSS Page Transitions)
  • Barba.js (Fluid page transitions)
  • TwentyTwenty (Highlight the visual differente between two elements with a slider)
  • Vivus.js (Animate SVG images)
  • WOW.js (Scrolling animation reveals)
  • Scrolline.js (Progress bar for page scrolling)
  • Velocity.js (High Performance Animation Engine)
  • AOS (Similar to WOW.js a library of scroll animations)
  • HandleBars.js (Build semantic templates effectively with no frustration)
  • jInvertScroll (Horizontal scroll/ parallax)
  • One page scroll (Similar to fullPage.js, a snapping scroll effect)
  • Parallax (Beautiful parallax effect)
  • typehead.js (Search completion)
  • Dragdealer.js (Create draggable inputs with many applications)
  • Bounce.js (Create incredible and interactive CSS animations, some mimics physics)
  • pagePiling.js (Similar to fullPage.js but with a layered approach)
  • multiScroll.js (Divided multi scrolling effect)
  • favico.js (Dynamic favicons)
  • Midnight.js (Switch fixed header on the go)
  • ANIME (Amazing animations library)
  • Sortable (Drag and drop elements)
  • flexdatalist (Autocomplete)
  • slideout.js (Touch slide out for mobile navigation)
  • jquerymy.js (Real time two-way data binding)
  • Cleave.js (Format input content for user convenience)
  • selectize.js (Tag and select data)
  • jQuery Nice Select (Replace native select element with a customizable dropdown)
  • Tether (Anchor absolute positioned elements to other elements)
  • Shepherd (Guide users through your app with tooltips)
  • Tooltip (Another tooltip library)
  • Select2 (Another customizable select box library)
  • iziToast (Create elegant notifications)
  • iziModal (Create elegant popups)
  • p5.js (Drawing library)
  • plotly (Plot charts, used by Google)
  • D3js (Manipulate documents based on data)
  • Moment.js (Easily format date and time data)
  • GSAP (Animation library cross browser compatible and high performance)
  • date-fns (Easily manipulate time and dates with a modular api)
  • math.js (A library for all your matheMAGICAL needs)
  • Handsontable (Javascript spreadsheet to format and manipulate your data)
  • WebGL Earth (3D earth object)
  • accessibilityJS (Discover client-side accessibility errors and fix them)

Performance Tricks:

Stay Updated:


API Management:

Cool APIs:

  • BigML (Accessible machine learning API)
  • LaunchLibrary (Find and explore future space missions)

Discover New APIs:

Youtube Channels:



FYI Repos



  • Socket IO (live update changes, good for instant refreshless responses)


A Library of Resources for Web Development