NickyMeuleman / dotfiles

dotfiles for my WSL and Fedora setups

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



First, fixing the weird things that annoy me. Ranging from things that don't work correctly by default to things that are straight up broken without some intervention.

More software

Since I'm on Fedora, I enabled RPM Fusion. And I set up Flathub.

I then also did the multimedia steps the RMP Fusion site has. Apparently Fedora doesn't ship some media codecs you need to play a lot of videofiles.

At this point, update all the things! sudo dnf update && sudo dnf upgrade


The audio was popping every time a sound starts playing similar to the sound you hear when you first plug in headphones.

To fix, I turned off power saving for the audio on my motherboard.

echo `options snd-hda-intel power_save=0` > /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf

Login screen

There are 3 screens plugged into this computer:

  • 2 PC monitors
  • 1 TV

Either I use the 2 monitors, or the single TV. No matter what, it showed the login screen on the TV, even when it was off.

To fix it I deleted the ~/.config/monitors.xml file. Then set up my monitors with the graphical Gnome tool (right click on the desktop followed by Display Settings).

This created that file again. Then I made GDM (that's Gnome's login manager, in other words it's the screen with the password input when you boot) to use that file.

I copied the file that setting up the monitors created and made sure the gdm user and group owned that file.

sudo cp -v ~/.config/monitors.xml /var/lib/gdm/.config/ 
sudo chown gdm:gdm /var/lib/gdm/.config/monitors.xml


Sadly, in Firefox my cursor went invisible if I dare to watch a YouTube video. So I fell into old habits and used Google Chrome.

But the text of tab titles was blurry.

In the browser I went to chrome://flags and set the Preferred Ozone platform to Wayland.

Build requirements

Similar to how I installed build-essential on WSL Ubuntu, Fedora needs some installed packages that are needed to build various pieces of software.

sudo dnf install make automake gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel cmake


Version control: git

sudo dnf install git

Some default settings:

git config --global "Nicky Meuleman"
git config --global ""
git config --global core.autocrlf input
git config --global init.defaultBranch main

Shell: zsh

sudo dnf install zsh

Change the default shell (bash) to zsh so it launches whenever you open the terminal.

chsh -s $(which zsh)

Prompt: Starship

Install using the command they provide.

No manpage, so man starship does not work. See starship/starship#2926

starship --help works.

starship explain is a handy tool that prints a quick summary of what every part of the current prompt is.

The starship binary can generate shell completions. Put the output for the specific shell in a file in the $fpath

starship completions zsh > $ZDIR/completions/_starship

Rust language

Install using the command they provide.

Manpages are weird. Cargo is under rustup man cargo

Trying to use it gives a usage hint that says:

    rustup man [OPTIONS] <command>

But I have no idea what [OPTIONS] <command> is, I only guessed cargo.

Related: rust-lang/rustup#1729

Add completions to shell for both rustup and cargo: rustup help completions

rustup completions zsh > $ZDIR/completions/_rustup
rustup completions zsh cargo > $ZDIR/completions/_cargo

Node manager: fnm

Install using the command they provide.

No manpage, so man fnm does not work.

fnm --help works.

A tl;dr is available: tldr fnm

The fnm binary can generate shell completions. Put the output for the specific shell in a file in the $fpath

fnm completions --shell=zsh > $ZDIR/completions/_fnm

Fuzzy finder: fzf

Installed from source. They have a handy script that does it for us, neat!

No traditional completions so it does not fill in flags. eg. when tabbing after fzf -. junegunn/fzf#3349

Fuzzy completion can be entered while typing a command pressing tax after the trigger sequence, which is "**" by default.

eg. vim ** and hitting tab will start a fuzzy search. When a file is selected the "**" will be replaced with the path to that file.

You can start that fuzzy search off with a query by placing it before the trigger sequence before hitting tab. eg. vim potatoes** starts fzf off with "potatoes" already entered.

You can also do this with hotkeys

CTRL-t does the almost same thing, it adds the selection to your prompt. It does NOT start the fuzzy search off with what you already entered.

So if you did vim pota, hit CTRL-t and chose potatoes.txt, your final prompt would be vim potapotatoes.txt

The fuzzy finder uses some vim motion keys to navigate.

Smarter cd: zoxide

Installed from source.

  1. Clone repo and change directory into it
  2. Build for release with cargo build --release
  3. Move the executable to a directory in $PATH
    • cp target/release/zoxide $HOME/.local/bin/
  4. Move man page to its dedicated directory
    • cp -r man/ $HOME/.local/share/
  5. Move completions to a directory in $fpath
    • cp contrib/completions/_zoxide $ZDIR/completions/_zoxide

Make sure to use the full name instead of the z alias when using it for anything other than the base jumping functionality.

zoxide --help works, but z --help does not.

zoxide integrates with zsh-autocomplete to show frecent (not a typo) directories when tabbing direcly after z.


Pressing tab after a space triggers interactive completion (like you get when you use zi) eg. z thing and then tabbing triggers the interactive searcher that uses fzf with "thing" as query. ajeetdsouza/zoxide#9 (comment)

Document conversion tool: pandoc

I could download the release from github and install that via these instructions:

Instead I opted for convenience and installed a slightly older version with

sudo dnf install pandoc

Better find: fd

sudo dnf install fd-find

The binary name is fd, not fd-find.

Better make: just

sudo dnf install just

The just binary can generate shell completions. Put the output for the specific shell in a file in the $fpath

just --completions zsh > $ZDIR/completions/_just

Better ls: eza

I previously used exa, but that's unmaintained now.

Built from source.

  1. Clone repo and change directory into it
  2. Build for release with cargo build --release
  3. Move the executable to a directory in $PATH
    • cp target/release/eza $HOME/.local/bin/
  4. Build man pages with just man
  5. Move man page to its dedicated directory
    • cp target/man/eza.1 $HOME/.local/share/man/man1/
    • cp target/man/eza_colors.5 $HOME/.local/share/man/man5/
    • cp target/man/eza_colors-explanation.5 $HOME/.local/share/man/man5/
  6. Move completions to a directory in $fpath
    • In my case cp completions/zsh/_eza $ZDIR/completions/

Simplified manpages with Tealdeer: tldr

This tool accesses the community pages on This is a rust version, the usual tldr tool is written in nodejs.

Executable named tldr

sudo dnf install tealdeer

No manpage (but tldr has a tldr page! Hah!) The website functions as those docs

Better cat: bat

sudo dnf install bat

cli benchmark: hyperfine

CLI benchmarking tool. Handy for quickly benchmarking some code without having to set up a proper benchmarking suite. (eg. using hyperfine instead of criterion to quickly bench something in Rust)

sudo dnf install hyperfine

Better du: dust

Built from source.

  1. Clone repo and change directory into it
  2. Build for release with cargo build --release
  3. Move the executable to a directory in $PATH
    • mv target/release/dust $HOME/.local/bin/
  4. Move man page to its dedicated directory
    • mv man-page/dust.1 $HOME/.local/share/man/man1/dust.1
  5. Move completions to a directory in $fpath
    • mv _completions/_dust $ZDIR/completions/_dust

GitHub CLI: gh

sudo sudo dnf install gh

after installing, authenticate with

gh auth login

These dotfiles also provide a shortcut (gh c) to clone a github repo into a folder structure of OWNER/REPONAME. Usage is either gh c owner/repo or gh c repo-url

Resource monitoring utility: btop

sudo dnf install btop

No manpage. No shell completions.

Better grep: ripgrep rg

sudo dnf install ripgrep


dotfiles for my WSL and Fedora setups


Language:Shell 100.0%