NickKelly1 / curve-js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Curve JS


Install from npm:

npm install @curvefi/api


import curve from "@curvefi/api";

(async () => {
    // 1. Dev
    await curve.init('JsonRpc', {url: 'http://localhost:8545/', privateKey: ''}, { gasPrice: 0, maxFeePerGas: 0, maxPriorityFeePerGas: 0, chainId: 1 });
    // OR
    await curve.init('JsonRpc', {}, { chainId: 1 }); // In this case fee data will be specified automatically

    // 2. Infura
    curve.init("Infura", { network: "homestead", apiKey: <INFURA_KEY> }, { chainId: 1 });
    // 3. Web3 provider
    curve.init('Web3', { externalProvider: <WEB3_PROVIDER> }, { chainId: 1 });

Note 1. chainId parameter is optional, but you must specify it in the case you use Metamask on localhost network, because Metamask has that bug

Note 2. Web3 init requires the address. Therefore, it can be initialized only after receiving the address.

Wrong ❌️

import type { FunctionComponent } from 'react'
import { useState, useMemo } from 'react'
import { providers } from 'ethers'
import Onboard from 'bnc-onboard'
import type { Wallet } from 'bnc-onboard/dist/src/interfaces'
import curve from '@curvefi/api'


const WalletProvider: FunctionComponent = ({ children }) => {
    const [wallet, setWallet] = useState<Wallet>()
    const [provider, setProvider] = useState<providers.Web3Provider>()
    const [address, setAddress] = useState<string>()

    const networkId = 1

    const onboard = useMemo(
        () =>
                dappId: DAPP_ID,

                subscriptions: {
                    address: (address) => {

                    wallet: (wallet) => {
                        if (wallet.provider) {
                            curve.init("Web3", { externalProvider: wallet.provider }, { chainId: networkId })
                walletSelect: {
                    wallets: wallets,


Right ✔️

import type { FunctionComponent } from 'react'
import { useState, useMemo, useEffect } from 'react'
import { providers } from 'ethers'
import Onboard from 'bnc-onboard'
import type { Wallet } from 'bnc-onboard/dist/src/interfaces'
import curve from '@curvefi/api'


const WalletProvider: FunctionComponent = ({ children }) => {
    const [wallet, setWallet] = useState<Wallet>()
    const [provider, setProvider] = useState<providers.Web3Provider>()
    const [address, setAddress] = useState<string>()

    const networkId = 1

    const onboard = useMemo(
        () =>
                dappId: DAPP_ID,

                subscriptions: {
                    address: (address) => {

                    wallet: (wallet) => {
                walletSelect: {
                    wallets: wallets,

    useEffect(() => {
        if (address && wallet?.provider) {
            curve.init("Web3", { externalProvider: wallet.provider }, { chainId: networkId })
    }, [address, wallet?.provider]);


Available pools

import curve from "@curvefi/api";

(async () => {
    await curve.init('JsonRpc', {}, {gasPrice: 0, maxFeePerGas: 0, maxPriorityFeePerGas: 0});

    // [
    //     'compound', 'usdt',   'y',          'busd',
    //     'susd',     'pax',    'ren',        'sbtc',
    //     'hbtc',     '3pool',  'gusd',       'husd',
    //     'usdk',     'usdn',   'musd',       'rsv',
    //     'tbtc',     'dusd',   'pbtc',       'bbtc',
    //     'obtc',     'seth',   'eurs',       'ust',
    //     'aave',     'steth',  'saave',      'ankreth',
    //     'usdp',     'ib',     'link',       'tusd',
    //     'frax',     'lusd',   'busdv2',     'reth',
    //     'alusd',    'mim',    'tricrypto2', 'eurt',
    //     'eurtusd',  'crveth', 'cvxeth'
    // ]


import curve from "@curvefi/api";

(async () => {
    await curve.init('JsonRpc', {}, { gasPrice: 0, maxFeePerGas: 0, maxPriorityFeePerGas: 0 });

    console.log(await curve.getBalances(['DAI', 'sUSD']));
    // OR console.log(await curve.getBalances(['0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F', '0x57Ab1ec28D129707052df4dF418D58a2D46d5f51']));
    // [ '10000.0', '10000.0' ]

    console.log(await curve.getBalances(['aDAI', 'aSUSD']));
    // OR console.log(await curve.getBalances(['0x028171bCA77440897B824Ca71D1c56caC55b68A3', '0x6c5024cd4f8a59110119c56f8933403a539555eb']));

    // [ '10000.000211315200513239', '10000.0' ]

    // --- Pool ---

    const saave = new curve.Pool('saave');

    // 1. Current address balances (signer balances)
    console.log(await saave.balances());
    // {
    //     lpToken: '0.0',
    //     gauge: '0.0',
    //     DAI: '10000.0',
    //     sUSD: '10000.0',
    //     aDAI: '10000.000211315200513239',
    //     aSUSD: '10000.0'
    // }

    console.log(await saave.lpTokenBalances());
    // { lpToken: '0.0', gauge: '0.0' }
    console.log(await saave.underlyingCoinBalances());
    // { DAI: '10000.0', sUSD: '10000.0' }

    console.log(await saave.coinBalances());
    // { aDAI: '10000.000211315200513239', aSUSD: '10000.0' }
    console.log(await saave.allCoinBalances());
    // {
    //     DAI: '10000.0',
    //     sUSD: '10000.0',
    //     aDAI: '10000.000211315200513239',
    //     aSUSD: '10000.0'
    // }

    // 2. For every method above you can specify the address
    console.log(await saave.balances("0x0063046686E46Dc6F15918b61AE2B121458534a5"));
    // {
    //     lpToken: '0.0',
    //     gauge: '0.0',
    //     DAI: '0.0',
    //     sUSD: '0.0',
    //     aDAI: '0.0',
    //     aSUSD: '0.0'
    // }

    // Or several addresses
    console.log(await saave.balances("0x0063046686E46Dc6F15918b61AE2B121458534a5", "0x66aB6D9362d4F35596279692F0251Db635165871"));
    // {
    //     '0x0063046686E46Dc6F15918b61AE2B121458534a5': {
    //         lpToken: '0.0',
    //         gauge: '0.0',
    //         DAI: '0.0',
    //         sUSD: '0.0',
    //         aDAI: '0.0',
    //         aSUSD: '0.0'
    //     },
    //     '0x66aB6D9362d4F35596279692F0251Db635165871': {
    //         lpToken: '0.0',
    //         gauge: '0.0',
    //         DAI: '10000.0',
    //         sUSD: '10000.0',
    //         aDAI: '10000.000211315200513239',
    //         aSUSD: '10000.0'
    //     }
    // }



import curve from "@curvefi/api";

(async () => {
    await curve.init('JsonRpc', {}, {gasPrice: 0, maxFeePerGas: 0, maxPriorityFeePerGas: 0});

    const aave = new curve.Pool('aave');

    console.log(await aave.stats.getParameters());
    // {
    //     virtualPrice: '1.082056814810440924',
    //     fee: '0.04',
    //     adminFee: '0.02',
    //     A: '2000',
    //     future_A: '2000',
    //     initial_A: '200',
    //     future_A_time: 1628525830000,
    //     initial_A_time: 1627923611000,
    //     gamma: undefined
    // }

    console.log(await aave.stats.getPoolBalances());
    // [ '19619514.600802512613372364', '18740372.790339', '16065974.167437' ]
    console.log(await aave.stats.getPoolWrappedBalances());
    // [ '19619514.600802512613372364', '18740372.790339', '16065974.167437' ]
    console.log(await aave.stats.getTotalLiquidity());
    // 54425861.55857851
    console.log(await aave.stats.getVolume());
    // 175647.68180084194
    console.log(await aave.stats.getBaseApy());
    // { day: '3.2015', week: '3.1185', month: '3.1318', total: '7.7286' }
    console.log(await aave.stats.getTokenApy());
    // [ '0.4093', '1.0233' ]

    console.log(await aave.stats.getRewardsApy());
    // [
    //     {
    //         token: '0x4da27a545c0c5B758a6BA100e3a049001de870f5',
    //         symbol: 'stkAAVE',
    //         apy: '0.4978306501849664'
    //     }
    // ]

Add/remove liquidity

import curve from "@curvefi/api";

(async () => {
    await curve.init('JsonRpc', {}, { gasPrice: 0, maxFeePerGas: 0, maxPriorityFeePerGas: 0, chainId: 1 });

    const pool = new curve.Pool('aave');
    console.log(pool.underlyingCoins); // [ 'DAI', 'USDC', 'USDT' ]
    console.log(pool.coins); // [ 'aDAI', 'aUSDC', 'aUSDT' ]

    console.log(await pool.balances());
    //  lpToken: '0.0',
    //  gauge: '0.0',
    //  DAI: '1000.0',
    //  USDC: '1000.0',
    //  USDT: '1000.0',
    //  aDAI: '1000.000012756069187853',
    //  aUSDC: '1000.000005',
    //  aUSDT: '1000.0'

    // --- ADD LIQUIDITY ---
    const expectedLpTokenAmount1 = await pool.addLiquidityExpected(['100', '100', '100']);
    // 283.535915313504880343
    const tx = await pool.addLiquidity(['100', '100', '100']);
    console.log(tx); // 0x7aef5b13385207f1d311b7e5d485d4994a6520482e8dc682b5ef26e9addc53be

    //  lpToken: '283.531953275007017412',
    //  gauge: '0.0',
    //  DAI: '900.0',
    //  USDC: '900.0',
    //  USDT: '900.0',
    //  aDAI: '1000.000091543555348124',
    //  aUSDC: '1000.00007',
    //  aUSDT: '1000.000095'

    await pool.addLiquidityWrappedExpected(['100', '100', '100']);
    // 283.53589268907800207
    await pool.addLiquidityWrapped(['100', '100', '100']);
    //  lpToken: '567.06390438645751582',
    //  gauge: '0.0',
    //  DAI: '900.0',
    //  USDC: '900.0',
    //  USDT: '900.0',
    //  aDAI: '900.00009904712567354',
    //  aUSDC: '900.000077',
    //  aUSDT: '900.000104'

    // --- GAUGE DEPOSIT ---
    const lpTokenBalance = (await pool.balances())['lpToken'];
    await pool.gaugeDeposit(lpTokenBalance);
    //  lpToken: '0.0',
    //  gauge: '567.06390438645751582',
    //  DAI: '900.0',
    //  USDC: '900.0',
    //  USDT: '900.0',
    //  aDAI: '900.00009972244701026',
    //  aUSDC: '900.000077',
    //  aUSDT: '900.000105'

    // --- GAUGE WITHDRAW ---
    await pool.gaugeWithdraw(lpTokenBalance);

    //  lpToken: '567.06390438645751582',
    //  gauge: '0.0',
    //  DAI: '900.0',
    //  USDC: '900.0',
    //  USDT: '900.0',
    //  aDAI: '900.000116605480428249',
    //  aUSDC: '900.000091',
    //  aUSDT: '900.000125'

    // --- REMOVE LIQUIDITY ---
    await pool.removeLiquidityExpected('10');
    // [ '3.200409227699300211', '3.697305', '3.683197' ]
    await pool.removeLiquidity('10');

    //  lpToken: '557.06390438645751582',
    //  gauge: '0.0',
    //  DAI: '903.200409232502213136',
    //  USDC: '903.697304',
    //  USDT: '903.683196',
    //  aDAI: '900.000117956123101688',
    //  aUSDC: '900.000092',
    //  aUSDT: '900.000127'

    await pool.removeLiquidityWrappedExpected('10');
    // [ '3.200409232502213137', '3.697305', '3.683197' ]
    await pool.removeLiquidityWrapped('10');
    //  lpToken: '547.06390438645751582',
    //  gauge: '0.0',
    //  DAI: '903.200409232502213136',
    //  USDC: '903.697304',
    //  USDT: '903.683196',
    //  aDAI: '903.200529221793815936',
    //  aUSDC: '903.697398',
    //  aUSDT: '903.683325'

    await pool.removeLiquidityImbalanceExpected(['10', '10', '10']);
    // 28.353588385263656951
    await pool.removeLiquidityImbalance(['10', '10', '10']);

    //  lpToken: '518.709923802845859288',
    //  gauge: '0.0',
    //  DAI: '913.200409232502213136',
    //  USDC: '913.697304',
    //  USDT: '913.683196',
    //  aDAI: '903.200530577239468989',
    //  aUSDC: '903.697399',
    //  aUSDT: '903.683327'

    await pool.removeLiquidityImbalanceWrappedExpected(['10', '10', '10']);
    // 28.353588342257067439
    await pool.removeLiquidityImbalanceWrapped(['10', '10', '10']);
    //  lpToken: '490.355943262223785163',
    //  gauge: '0.0',
    //  DAI: '913.200409232502213136',
    //  USDC: '913.697304',
    //  USDT: '913.683196',
    //  aDAI: '913.200531932685151936',
    //  aUSDC: '913.6974',
    //  aUSDT: '913.683329'

    await pool.removeLiquidityOneCoinExpected('10','DAI');  // OR await pool.removeLiquidityOneCoinExpected('10', 0);
    // 10.573292542135201585 (DAI amount)
    await pool.removeLiquidityOneCoin('10', 'DAI');  // OR await pool.removeLiquidityOneCoin('10', 0);
    //  lpToken: '480.355943262223785163',
    //  gauge: '0.0',
    //  DAI: '923.773701782667764366',
    //  USDC: '913.697304',
    //  USDT: '913.683196',
    //  aDAI: '913.200532617911563408',
    //  aUSDC: '913.697401',
    //  aUSDT: '913.68333'

    await pool.removeLiquidityOneCoinWrappedExpected('10', 'aUSDC');  // OR await pool.removeLiquidityOneCoinWrappedExpected('10', 1);
    // 10.581285 (aUSDC amount)
    await pool.removeLiquidityOneCoinWrapped('10', 'aUSDC');  // OR await pool.removeLiquidityOneCoinWrapped('10', 1);
    //  lpToken: '470.355943262223785163',
    //  gauge: '0.0',
    //  DAI: '923.773701782667764366',
    //  USDC: '913.697304',
    //  USDT: '913.683196',
    //  aDAI: '913.200533988364413768',
    //  aUSDC: '924.278687',
    //  aUSDT: '913.683331'

Exchange using all pools

import curve from "@curvefi/api";

(async () => {
    await curve.init('JsonRpc', {}, { gasPrice: 0, maxFeePerGas: 0, maxPriorityFeePerGas: 0, chainId: 1 });

    console.log(await curve.getBalances(['DAI', 'USDC']));
    // [ '1000.0', '0.0' ]

    const { poolAddress, output } = await curve.getBestPoolAndOutput('DAI', 'USDC', '100');
    // OR await curve.getBestPoolAndOutput('0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F', '0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48', '100');
    const expected = await curve.exchangeExpected('DAI', 'USDC', '100');
    // OR await curve.exchangeExpected('0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F', '0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48', '100');

    console.log(poolAddress, output, expected);
    // poolAddress = 0x79a8C46DeA5aDa233ABaFFD40F3A0A2B1e5A4F27, output = expected = 100.071099

    await'DAI', 'USDC', '10')
    // OR await'0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F', '0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48', '100');

    console.log(await curve.getBalances(['DAI', 'USDC']));
    // [ '900.0', '100.071098' ]

Cross-Asset Exchange

import curve from "@curvefi/api";

(async () => {
    await curve.init('JsonRpc', {}, { gasPrice: 0, maxFeePerGas: 0, maxPriorityFeePerGas: 0, chainId: 1 });

    console.log(await curve.getBalances(['DAI', 'WBTC']));
    // [ '1000.0', '0.0' ]

    console.log(await curve.crossAssetExchangeAvailable('DAI', 'WBTC'));
    // true
    console.log(await curve.crossAssetExchangeOutputAndSlippage('DAI', 'WBTC', '500'));
    // { output: '0.01207752', slippage: 0.0000016559718476472085 }
    console.log(await curve.crossAssetExchangeExpected('DAI', 'WBTC', '500'));
    // 0.01207752

    const tx = await curve.crossAssetExchange('DAI', 'WBTC', '500');
    // 0xf452fbb49d9e4ba8976dc6762bcfcc87d5e164577c21f3fa087ae4fe275d1710

    console.log(await curve.getBalances(['DAI', 'WBTC']));
    // [ '500.0', '0.01207752' ]


import curve from "@curvefi/api";

(async () => {
    await curve.init('JsonRpc', {}, { gasPrice: 0, maxFeePerGas: 0, maxPriorityFeePerGas: 0, chainId: 1 });

    console.log(await curve.boosting.getCrv());
    // 100000.0

    await curve.boosting.createLock('1000', 365);
    // 99000.0 CRV
    console.log(await curve.boosting.getLockedAmountAndUnlockTime());
    // { lockedAmount: '1000.0', unlockTime: 1657152000000 }
    console.log(await curve.boosting.getVeCrv());
    // 248.193183980208499221
    console.log(await curve.boosting.getVeCrvPct());
    // 0.000006190640156035

    await curve.boosting.increaseAmount('500');

    // 98500.0 CRV
    // { lockedAmount: '1500.0', unlockTime: 1657152000000 }
    // 372.289692732093137414 veCRV
    // 0.000009285953543912 veCRV %

    await curve.boosting.increaseUnlockTime(365);

    // { lockedAmount: '1500.0', unlockTime: 1688601600000 }
    // 746.262271689452535192 veCRV
    // 0.000018613852077810 veCRV %

Allowance and approve

General methods

const spender = "0xbEbc44782C7dB0a1A60Cb6fe97d0b483032FF1C7" // 3pool swap address

await curve.getAllowance(["DAI", "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48"], curve.signerAddress, spender)
// [ '0.0', '0.0' ]
await curve.hasAllowance(["DAI", "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48"], ['1000', '1000'], curve.signerAddress, spender)
// false
await curve.ensureAllowance(["DAI", "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48"], ['1000', '1000'], spender)
// [
//     '0xb0cada2a2983dc0ed85a26916d32b9caefe45fecde47640bd7d0e214ff22aed3',
//     '0x00ea7d827b3ad50ce933e96c579810cd7e70d66a034a86ec4e1e10005634d041'
// ]


const pool = new curve.Pool('usdn');

// --- Add Liquidity ---

await pool.addLiquidityIsApproved(["1000", "1000", "1000", "1000"])
// false
await pool.addLiquidityApprove(["1000", "1000", "1000", "1000"])
// [
//     '0xbac4b0271ad340488a8135dda2f9adf3e3c402361b514f483ba2b7e9cafbdc21',
//     '0x39fe196a52d9fb649f9c099fbd40ae773d28c457195c878ecdb7cd05be0f6512',
//     '0xf39ebfb4b11434b879f951a08a1c633a038425c35eae09b2b7015816d068de3c',
//     '0xa8b1631384da247efe1987b56fe010b852fc1d38e4d71d204c7dc5448a3a6c96'
// ]

// --- Add Liquidity Wrapped ---

await pool.addLiquidityWrappedIsApproved(["1000", "1000"])
// false
await pool.addLiquidityWrappedApprove(["1000", "1000"])
// [
//     '0xe486bfba5e9e8190be580ad528707876136e6b0c201e228db0f3bd82e51619fa',
//     '0xd56f7d583b20f4f7760510cc4310e3651f7dab8c276fe3bcde7e7200d65ed0dd'
// ]

// --- Remove Liquidity ---

await pool.removeLiquidityIsApproved("1000")
await pool.removeLiquidityApprove("1000")

// --- Remove Liquidity Imbalance ---

await pool.removeLiquidityImbalanceIsApproved(["1000", "1000", "1000", "1000"])
await pool.removeLiquidityImbalanceApprove(["1000", "1000", "1000", "1000"])

// --- Remove Liquidity One Coin ---

await pool.removeLiquidityOneCoinIsApproved("1000")
await pool.removeLiquidityOneCoinApprove("1000")

// --- Gauge Deposit ---

await pool.gaugeDepositIsApproved("1000")
await pool.gaugeDepositApprove("1000")

// --- Exchange ---

await pool.exchangeIsApproved("DAI", "1000")
await pool.exchangeApprove("DAI", "1000")

// --- Exchange Wrapped ---

await pool.exchangeWrappedIsApproved("0x6c3F90f043a72FA612cbac8115EE7e52BDe6E490", "1000")
await pool.exchangeWrappedApprove("0x6c3F90f043a72FA612cbac8115EE7e52BDe6E490", "1000")

Note. Removing wrapped does not require approve.


// Straight
await curve.exchangeisApproved("DAI", "0x99d8a9c45b2eca8864373a26d1459e3dff1e17f3", "1000"); // DAI -> MIM
await curve.exchangeApprove("DAI", "0x99d8a9c45b2eca8864373a26d1459e3dff1e17f3", "1000"); // DAI -> MIM

// Cross-Asset
await curve.crossAssetExchangeIsApproved("DAI", "1000");
await curve.crossAssetExchangeApprove("DAI", "1000");


await curve.boosting.isApproved('1000')
await curve.boosting.approve('1000')

Gas estimation

Every non-constant method has corresponding gas estimation method. Rule: obj.method -> obj.estimateGas.method


const spender = "0xbEbc44782C7dB0a1A60Cb6fe97d0b483032FF1C7" // 3pool swap address
await curve.estimateGas.ensureAllowance(["DAI", "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48"], curve.signerAddress, spender);

const pool = new curve.Pool('usdn');
await pool.estimateGas.addLiquidityApprove(["1000", "1000", "1000", "1000"])
await pool.estimateGas.addLiquidity(["1000", "1000", "1000", "1000"])

await curve.estimateGas.crossAssetExchange('DAI', "WBTC", "1000", 0.01)

await curve.boosting.estimateGas.createLock('1000', 365)


const pool = new curve.Pool('susd');

// CRV
console.log(await pool.gaugeClaimableTokens());
// 0.006296257916265276
await pool.gaugeClaimTokens();

// Additional rewards
console.log(await pool.gaugeClaimableRewards());
// [
//     {
//         token: '0xC011a73ee8576Fb46F5E1c5751cA3B9Fe0af2a6F',
//         symbol: 'SNX',
//         amount: '0.000596325465987726'
//     }
// ]
await pool.gaugeClaimRewards();


Add liquidity and deposit into gauge in one transaction.


(async () => {
    const pool = new curve.Pool('compound');
    const amounts = ['1000', '1000'];

    console.log(await pool.underlyingCoinBalances());
    // { DAI: '10000.0', USDC: '10000.0' }
    console.log(await pool.lpTokenBalances());
    // { lpToken: '0.0', gauge: '0.0' }
    console.log(await pool.depositAndStakeExpected(amounts));
    // 1820.604572902286288394
    console.log(await pool.depositAndStakeSlippage(amounts));
    // -0.0000036435051742755193

    console.log(await pool.depositAndStakeIsApproved(amounts));
    // false
    await pool.depositAndStakeApprove(amounts);
    await pool.depositAndStake(amounts);

    console.log(await pool.underlyingCoinBalances());
    // { DAI: '9000.0', USDC: '9000.0' }
    console.log(await pool.lpTokenBalances());
    // { lpToken: '0.0', gauge: '1820.556829935710883568' }


(async () => {
    const pool = new curve.Pool('compound');
    const amounts = ['1000', '1000'];

    console.log(await pool.coinBalances());
    // { cDAI: '10000.0', cUSDC: '10000.0' }
    console.log(await pool.lpTokenBalances());
    // { lpToken: '0.0', gauge: '1820.556829935710883568' }
    console.log(await pool.depositAndStakeWrappedExpected(amounts));
    // 40.328408669183101673
    console.log(await pool.depositAndStakeWrappedSlippage(amounts));
    // -0.0020519915272297325

    console.log(await pool.depositAndStakeWrappedIsApproved(amounts));
    // false
    await pool.depositAndStakeWrappedApprove(amounts);
    await pool.depositAndStakeWrapped(amounts);

    console.log(await pool.coinBalances());
    // { cDAI: '9000.0', cUSDC: '9000.0' }
    console.log(await pool.lpTokenBalances());
    // { lpToken: '0.0', gauge: '1860.884096082215274556' }


All the methods above can be used for factory pools. It's only needed to fetch them.

import curve from "@curvefi/api";

(async () => {
    await curve.init('JsonRpc', {}, { chainId: 1 });
    await curve.fetchFactoryPools();
    await curve.fetchCryptoFactoryPools();

    const factoryPools = curve.getFactoryPoolList();
    // [
    //     'ibEUR+sEUR-f',    'ibKRW+sKRW-f',      'ibEUR+sEUR-2-f',
    //     'crvCRVsCRV-f',    'jGBP+TGBP-f',       '2CRV-f',
    //     'crvCRV-f',        'ibbtc/sbtcCRV-f',   'OUSD3CRV-f',
    //     'aUSDC+aDAI-f',    'FEI3CRV3CRV-f',     'GrapeFUSD3CRV-f',
    //     'SifuETH3CRV-f',   'RC_INV3CRV-f',      'RC_xRULER3CRV-f',
    //     'RC_xCOVER3CRV-f', 'nUSD3CRV-f',        'cvxcrv-f',
    //     'USDM3CRV-f',      'mEUR-f',            'waUSD3CRV-f',
    //     'waBTC/sbtcCRV-f', 'DOLA3POOL3CRV-f',   'ibJPY+sJPY-f',
    //     'ibAUD+sAUD-f',    'ibGBP+sGBP-f',      'ibCHF+sCHF-f',
    //     'OPEN MATIC-f',    'EURN/EURT-f',       'sdCRV-f',
    //     'BTCpx/sbtcCRV-f', 'PWRD3CRV3CRV-f',    'sansUSDT-f',
    //     'alETH+ETH-f',     '17PctCypt3CRV-f',   '17PctCypt3CRV-2-f',
    //     'tbtc2/sbtcCRV-f', 'kusd3pool3CRV-f',   'tusd3pool3CRV-f',
    //     'PWRD3CRV-f',      'fUSD3CRV-f',        'TPD3CRV-f',
    //     'DEI3CRV-f',       'MIM-UST-f',         'ETH/vETH2-f',
    //     'QBITWELLS3CRV-f', 'QWell13CRV-f',      'bveCVX-CVX-f',
    //     'UST_whv23CRV-f',  'DSU+3Crv3CRV-f',    'DSU3CRV-f',
    //     'aETHb-f',         'D3-f',              'aMATICb-f',
    //     'pax-usdp3CRV-f',  'ibbtc/sbtcCRV-2-f', 'fxEUR_CRV-f',
    //     'ORK/sbtcCRV-f',   'agEUR/sEUR-f',      'ibZAR+ZARP-f',
    //     '3DYDX3CRV-f',     '3EURpool-f',        'tWETH+WETH-f',
    //     'XSTUSD3CRV-f',    'XIM3CRV3CRV-f',     'XIM3CRV-f',
    //     'RAMP rUSD3CRV-f', 'bhome3CRV-f',       'JPYC+ibJPY-f',
    //     'UST-FRAX-f',      'FEIPCV-1-f',        'bentcvx-f',
    //     'USX3CRV3CRV-f',   'ag+ib-EUR-f',       'tFRAX+FRAX-f',
    //     'ELONXSWAP3CRV-f', 'BEAN3CRV-f',        'USDV3CRV-f',
    //     'PARUSDC3CRV-f',   'baoUSD-3CRV-f',     'sUSD3CRV-f',
    //     'AETHV13CRV-f',
    // ];

    const cryptoFactoryPools = curve.getCryptoFactoryPoolList()
    // [
    //     'FXSETH-fV2',     'FXSETH-2-fV2',
    //     'FXSETH-3-fV2',   'FXSETH-4-fV2',
    //     'BADGERWBTC-fV2', 'INVDOLA-fV2',
    //     'RAIFRAX-fV2',    'RAIETH-fV2',
    //     'YFIETH-fV2',     'palStkAAVE-fV2',
    //     'DYDXETH-fV2',    'SDTETH-fV2',
    //     'CADCUSDC-fV2',   'RAIAGEUR-fV2',
    //     'rp-eth-fV2',     'PARUSDC-fV2',
    //     'DUCKETH-fV2',    'BTRFLYETH-fV2',
    // ];


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%