NickHeiner / caseflow

Caseflow is a web application that enables the tracking and processing of appealed claims at the Board of Veterans' Appeals.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Following are links to view the results for each product in Travis CI as well as a link to the product's repository:

Product GitHub Repository Travis CI
Caseflow caseflow Travis CI - Caseflow
eFolder Express caseflow-efolder Travis CI - eFolder
Caseflow Feedback caseflow-feedback Travis CI - Caseflow Feedback
Commons caseflow-commons Travis CI - Commons

Caseflow Certification

Build Status


Clerical errors have the potential to delay the resolution of a veteran's appeal by months. Caseflow Certification uses automated error checking, and user-centered design to greatly reduce the number of clerical errors made when certifying appeals from offices around the nation to the Board of Veteran's Appeals in Washington DC.

You can read more about the project here.

Screenshot of Caseflow Certification (Fake data, No PII here)

Initial Setup (MacOSX)

Make sure you have rbenv and nvm installed.

Then run the following:

$ rbenv install 2.2.4

$ gem install bundler

You'll need PhantomJS, Postgres, and Redis if you don't have them.

$ brew install postgresql

$ brew install redis

$ brew install phantomjs

You may want to have Redis and Postgres run on startup. Let brew tell you how to do that:

$ brew info redis

$ brew info postgresql

Install pdftk

Note this link was found on Stack Overflow and is not the same link that is on the pdftk website. The version on the website does not work on recent versions of OSX (Sierra and El Capitan).

For the frontend, you'll need to install Node and the relevant npm modules

$ nvm install node v7.1.0

$ nvm use && npm install

Running Caseflow in isolation

To try Caseflow without going through the hastle of connecting to VBMS and VACOLS, just tell bundler to skip production gems when installing.

$ bundle install --without production staging

Setup and seed the DB

$ rake db:setup

And by default, Rails will run in the development environment, which will mock out data. To start the application servers:

$ foreman start -f

Or to run the rails server and frontend webpack server separately:

$ rails s

$ nvm use && npm run dev

You can access the site at http://localhost:3000, which takes you to the help page.

Certification (Dev Mode)

To log in, you can use the following credentials:

Username: "DSUSER" Password: "DSUSER"

To get to the various pages in the workflow we have a set of five URLs of dummy data.

http://localhost:3000/certifications/new/123C is an appeal that is ready to certify. http://localhost:3000/certifications/new/456C is an appeal with mismatched docs. http://localhost:3000/certifications/new/789C is an appeal that is already certified. http://localhost:3000/certifications/new/000ERR is an appeal that raises a vbms error. http://localhost:3000/certifications/new/001ERR is an appeal that is missing data.


When a VA employee logs in through the VA's unified login system (CSS) a session begins with the user. Within this session the user gets a set of roles. These roles determine what pages a user has access to. In dev mode, we don't log in with CSS and instead take on the identity of a user in the database.

Dispatch (Dev Mode)

To view the dispatch pages head to http://localhost:3000/dispatch.

To see the manager view, you need the following roles: [Establish Claim, Manage Claim Establishment]. The database is seeded with a number of tasks, users, and appeals.

To see the worker view, you need the following role: [Establish Claim]. From this view you can start a new task and go through the flow of establishing a claim.

Running Caseflow connected to external depedencies

To test the app connected to external dependencies follow

Set up Oracle

First you'll need to install the libraries required to connect to the VACOLS Oracle database:


  1. Download the "Instant Client Package - Basic" and "Instant Client Package - SDK" for Mac 32 or 64bit.

  2. Unzip both packages into /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_2

  3. Setup both packages according to the Oracle documentation:

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/oracle/instantclient_11_2`
cd /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_2
sudo ln -s libclntsh.dylib.11.1 libclntsh.dylib


  1. Download the "Instant Client Package - Basic" and "Instant Client Package - SDK" for Mac 32 or 64bit.

  2. Unzip both packages into [DIR]

  3. Add [DIR] to your PATH


Note: This has only been tested on Debian based OS. However, it should also work for Fedora based OS.

  1. Download the "Instant Client Package - Basic" and "Instant Client Package - SDK" for Linux 32 or 64bit (depending on your Ruby architecture)

  2. Unzip both packages into /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_2

  3. Setup both packages according to the Oracle documentation:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/oracle/instantclient_11_2`
cd /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_2
sudo ln -s

Run the app

Now you'll be able to install the gems required to run the app connected to VBMS and VACOLS: $ bundle install --with staging

Set the development VACOLS credentials as environment variables. (ask a team member for them)

export VACOLS_USERNAME=username
export VACOLS_PASSWORD=secret_password

Finally, just run Rails in the staging environment! $ rails s -e staging

Changing between test users

Select 'Switch User' from the dropdown or navigate to http://localhost:3000/dev/users. You can use this page to switch to any user that is currently in the database. The users' names specify what roles they have and therefore what pages they can access. To add new users with new roles, you should seed them in the database via the seeds.rb file. The css_id of the user should be a comma separated list of roles you want that user to have.

This page also contains links to different parts of the site to make dev-ing faster. Please add more links and users as needed.

Running tests

To run the test suite: $ rake

For parallelized tests: $ rake parallel:setup[4]

$ rake ci:all

Feature Toggle

To enable and disable features using rails c. Example usage:

# users
user1 = "RO03")
user2 = "RO04")

# enable for everyone
=> true
FeatureToggle.enabled?(:apple, user1)
=> true

# enable for a list of regional offices
FeatureToggle.enable!(:apple, regional_offices: ["RO03", "RO08"])
=> true

# add more regional offices to the same feature
FeatureToggle.enable!(:apple, regional_offices: ["RO03", "RO09"])
=> true

# view the details
=> { :regional_offices => ["RO03", "RO08", "RO09"] }

# check if the feature is enabled for a given user
FeatureToggle.enabled?(:apple, user1)
=> true
FeatureToggle.enabled?(:apple, user2)
=> false

# disable a few regional offices
FeatureToggle.disable!(:apple, regional_offices: ["RO03", "RO09"])
=> true
=> { :regional_offices =>["RO08"] }


Caseflow is a web application that enables the tracking and processing of appealed claims at the Board of Veterans' Appeals.


Language:Ruby 52.7%Language:JavaScript 38.0%Language:HTML 7.7%Language:CSS 1.6%Language:Shell 0.0%