NichtsHsu / greet

A Command Line Arguments Parser using C++23 features

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A C++ Command Line Argument Parser, which want to provide more modern interfaces with C++23 features.

Inspired by clap and glaze, and heavily referenced clap for behaviors.

Get the name from clap's documentation:

-n, --name <NAME> Name of the person to greet

-c, --count <COUNT> Number of times to greet [default: 1]

-h, --help Print help

-V, --version Print version

Bad news

  • Greet uses C++23 features, so you need at least gcc-13, clang-17 or Visual Studio 2022 to compile it 😈
  • I bet I haven't considered any performance optimizations 😱
  • Your IDE/LSP may throw a lot of errors even though the code was compiled successfully 😭

Good news

  • Greet has only one header file, You just need to download the greet.hpp file to your project and #include it 😙
  • Greet does not rely on any third-party libraries other than the std 😍
  • More modern interfaces might cheer you up 😆

Build the example

Make sure you have gcc-13 installed. Even if you plan to use clang-17, you still need to install libstdc++-13-dev.

The build command is simple:

g++ example.cpp -std=c++23 -o example # or
clang example.cpp -std=c++2b -stdlib=libc++ -o example

For MSVC(Visual Studio 2022), please select /std:c++latest.

Rule of greet

  • For options that need an argument, -a xxx, -axxx, -a=xxx, --aaa xxx and --aaa=xxx are acceptable.
  • The short flag must be a printable character (from ! to ~) and cannot be -.
  • For options that don't need an argument, -e -f -g, --eee --fff --ggg and -efg are acceptable.
  • When you mix them, such as -faxxxg, it will be parsed as -f -a xxxg but not -f -a xxx -g.
  • If -a doesn't need an argument, -a-b will be parsed as -a -- -b then an error will be reported because of --. But if -a need an argument, -a-b will be parsed to option -a with its value -b.
  • When the value of a option is start with a hyphen(-), -a-b, -a=-b and --aaa=-b are acceptable. However, -a -b and --aaa -b is not acceptable by default, and will be parsed to two options. If allow_hyphen is set, -a -b and --aaa -b can be accepted, check 4.1 available meta informations of NORMAL types to learn more.
  • Double-hyphen(--) means end of options, all subsequent arguments are no longer parsed. When input -a -- and allow_hyphen of -a flag is set, this will not be considered the end of options. All ignored arguments can be collected through greet::ignored, check 3.5 IGNORED type to learn more.

Guide to use

1. Prepare

Download the greet.hpp file to your project and #include it:

#include <greet.hpp>

2. Declare an argument group class

You should declare an argument group class type, which should be: derived from greet::information, default initializable and movable. Basically, you can declare no constructor and let the compiler handle it for you.

struct Args: public greet::information {
    // don't declare any constructors

    // version of program, will be printed at '-V' or '--version'
    std::string version() override { return "greet v0.1.1"; }

    // description of program, will be printed at '-h' or '--help'
    std::string description() override { return "Greet with a person"; }

    // we will learn about it soon
    greet::meta genmeta() override { /* TODO */}

3. Add options

Add any options you want to provide to the user in the Args:

struct Args: public greet::information {
    std::string name;
    size_t age;
    bool greeted;
    greet::counter times;
    std::vector<std::string> places;

    // version of program, will be printed at '-V' or '--version'
    std::string version() override { return "greet v0.1.0"; }

    // description of program, will be printed at '-h' or '--help'
    std::string description() override { return "Greet with a person"; }

    // we will learn about it soon
    greet::meta genmeta() override { /* TODO */}

There are four different option types available:

3.1 NORMAL type

The NORMAL type options include the integer types, the float point types, char, const char * and std::string. If you want add your custom type, please refer to EXT: build your own NORMAL type option.

The NORMAL type options need an argument, that means, for an example, -a xx.

The NORMAL type option cannot be used multuple times.

3.2 BOOL type

The BOOL type option can only be bool.

The BOOL type option doesn't need an argument, true if the user provides this option, false otherwise.

The BOOL type option cannot be used multuple times.

3.3 COUNTER type

The COUNTER type option can only be greet::counter.

The COUNTER option doesn't need an argument, and can be used multiple times -- it's counting how many times the user has used this option. For an example, -a -a -a -a makes the counter to evaluate to 4.

NOTE: value of greet::counter can be implicitly converted to size_t. You can use it as size_t anywhere, for examples, to compare or print.

3.4 VECTOR type

The VECTOR type options are std::vectors when the template parameter is NORMAL type.

The VECTOR type options need an argument, and can be used multiple times. For an example, -a 1 -a 2 -a 3 will get a vector of 1, 2 and 3.

3.5 IGNORED type

The IGNORED type option is not really an option and can only be greet::ignored.

Double-hyphen(--) means end of options, all subsequent arguments are no longer parsed. greet::ignored can collect them. This is optional, if you don't care about those ignored arguments you don't need to provide a greet::ignored.

The greet::ignored type is a simple wrapper of std::vector<std::string>, you can use it as std::vector<std::string> anywhere.

You shouldn't provide more than 1 greet::ignored, but don’t worry, it will be a compile-time error.

4. Complete meta

Write meta informations for each of your options:

struct Args: public greet::information {
    std::string name;
    size_t age;
    bool greeted;
    greet::counter times;
    std::vector<std::string> places;
    greet::ignored others;


    greet::meta genmeta() override {
        return {
                .about("Name of the person to greet"),
                .about("Age of the person to greet"),
                .about("Have greeted before"),
                .about("How many times you want to greet"),
                .about("Where to greet"),

4.1 available meta informations of NORMAL types

greet::opt(aaa)     // bind to the `aaa` option
    .shrt('a')      // the short flag: '-a'
    .lng("aaa")     // the long flag: '--aaa'
                    // You should provide at least one of the two
    .required()     // user must provide this option
    .def(0)         // default value, only valid when didn't set `required`
                    // can construct the value in-place
    .argname("aha") // the argument name when print help
                    // default to the uppercase long flag
                    // if no long flag, default to 'VALUE'
    .allow_hyphen() // allow value start with a hyphen(`-`)
                    // this only affects `-a -b` and `--aaa -b`
    .about("A NORMAL type option")  // about message

4.2 available meta informations of BOOL types

greet::opt(aaa)     // bind to the `aaa` option
    .shrt('a')      // the short flag: '-a'
    .lng("aaa")     // the long flag: '--aaa'
                    // You should provide at least one of the two
    .about("A BOOL type option")   // about message

4.3 available meta informations of COUNTER types

greet::opt(aaa)     // bind to the `aaa` option
    .shrt('a')      // the short flag: '-a'
    .lng("aaa")     // the long flag: '--aaa'
                    // You should provide at least one of the two
    .about("A COUNTER type option") // about message

4.4 available meta informations of VECTOR types

greet::opt(aaa)     // bind to the `aaa` option
    .shrt('a')      // the short flag: '-a'
    .lng("aaa")     // the long flag: '--aaa'
                    // You should provide at least one of the two
    .argname("aha") // the argument name when print help
                    // default to the uppercase long flag
                    // if no long flag, default to 'VALUE'
    .allow_hyphen() // allow value start with a hyphen(`-`)
                    // this only affects `-a -b` and `--aaa -b`
    .about("A VECTOR type option")  // about message

4.5 available meta informations of IGNORED types

No, no any meta informations for greet::ignored type:

greet::opt(aaa)     // bind to the `aaa` option

If you provide more than 1 greet::ignored type option, a compile-time error will be raised.

NOTE: -h, --help, -V and --version are reserved for print help and version.

5. Get arguments

Call greet::greet() with your argument group class as the template argument:

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    Args args = greet::greet<Args>(argc, argv);

6. Just do anything with it

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    Args args = greet::greet<Args>(argc, argv);

    std::cout << "I will greet " << << std::endl;
    std::cout << "He/She is " << args.age << " years old" << std::endl;
    if (args.greeted)
        std::cout << "We have greeted before" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "We never greeted before" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "We should greet " << args.times << " times" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "We may greet at " << args.places.size()
              << " places:" << std::endl;
    for (const auto &place : args.places)
        std::cout << "\t" << place << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Other things:" << std::endl;
    for (const auto &other : args.others)
        std::cout << "\t" << other << std::endl;

7. Try print help

$ example -h
greet with a person

Usage: example [OPTIONS] --name <NAME>

  -n, --name <NAME>    Name of the person to greet [REQUIRED]
      --age <AGE>      Age of the person to greet [default: 18]
  -g                   Have greeted before
  -t                   How many times you want to greet
  -p, --place <PLACE>  Where to greet
  -h, --help           Print help
  -V, --version        Print version

EXT: build your own NORMAL type option

A NORMAL type option should be semiregular and string convertable.

To be semiregular, it basically means:

class myoption {
    myoption(const myoption &);
    myoption(myoption &&);
    myoption &operator=(const myoption &);
    myoption &operator=(myoption &&);

To be string convertable, specialize the greet::string_converter with your type:

template <>
struct greet::string_converter<myoption> {
    static auto from_str(const char *str)
        -> std::expected<myoption, std::errc> {
        /* TODO */
    static std::string to_str(const myoption &value) {
        /* TODO */

After that, you can use it as a NORMAL option type.


A Command Line Arguments Parser using C++23 features

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 100.0%