Nichol4s / Testingbot-Tunnel

Tunnel to run Cloud Selenium tests on your local computer

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Whether you want to test on your local computer (localhost), on a staging server inside your LAN, or on a computer across VPN, our TestingBot Tunnel makes all of this possible in a secure and reliable way.

You will no longer need to open up ports on your firewall or whitelist our IP range to run tests on your staging environment. Below are some of the features of the TestingBot Tunnel.

Fast: at our end of the tunnel we keep a cache of static content, to reduce traffic inside the tunnel. Secure: when you start the Tunnel, a pristine VM server is booted just for you and will last until you end the tunnel. Robust: full HTTP(s) support, coded in Java Easy to set up and use.


To start the tunnel, enter the following command: java -jar testingbot-tunnel.jar key secret

You can obtain a free key and secret from

Now point your tests to use localhost and port 4445

	require "rubygems"  
	require 'testingbot'   
	gem "selenium-client"  
	gem "selenium-webdriver"  
	require "selenium-webdriver"   
	require "selenium/client"  

	caps = {  
	  :browserName => "iexplore",  
	  :version => "9",  
	  :platform => "WINDOWS"  

	urlhub = "http://key:secret@localhost:4445/wd/hub"  
	client =  
	client.timeout = 120  

	webdriver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :remote,:url => urlhub , :desired_capabilities => caps,:http_client => client "http://staging.local"  
	puts webdriver.title  

Compile from Source

To compile and test the Jar yourself you can use the following commands:

mvn assembly:assembly


Copyright (c) See LICENSE for more information.


Tunnel to run Cloud Selenium tests on your local computer
