Nic-Nic / latex_table_printer

This simple script is intended to ease writing tables in LaTeX. Given a table file, the script prints out the corresponding LaTeX tabular environment containing the data.

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LaTeX table printer

This simple script is intended to ease writing tables in LaTeX. Given a table file, the script prints out the corresponding LaTeX tabular environment containing the data.


The script can be executed in two different ways: directly from the command line or as a python function which can be imported by other programs/scripts or inside a Python shell. In any case, the script works using three arguments:

  • The file name or path.
  • Separator between elements of a row.
  • Whether or not the row names are included in the printing.

Running the script from the command line:

The script can be called as a normal Python script followed by the file name or path as:

$ python [FILE] [OPTIONS]
  • Options:

    • -s, --sep

      If passed, the program requires the user to input the separator, otherwise tab is assumed by default.

    • -r, --rownames

      If passed, the row names (first column) is ommited when printing the table.

Using as a Python function

From a Python shell or inside another Python script, import the module and calling the corresponding function with the desired arguments:

from latex_table_printer import *

print_latex_table(filename, sep = '\t', rownames = True)
  • Arguments:

    • filename [str]

      The file name or path where the data is stored. It is supposed that each line corresponds to a row of the table.

    • sep [str]

      Optional, '\t' (tab) by default. Separator between entries/cells of the table. For instance, if the file is in .csv format, the separator should be a comma (',').

    • rownames [bool]

      Optional, True by default. Determines if the first column (typically, where the row names are) of the table should be included.


The file example.csv contains the following table in .csv format:

x y
A 1 2
B 3 4
C 5 6

If the user runs the script on this file, should obtain the following:

$ python example.csv -s
Specify the separator character: ,



This simple script is intended to ease writing tables in LaTeX. Given a table file, the script prints out the corresponding LaTeX tabular environment containing the data.



Language:Python 100.0%