Nexxezz / bd201-m09-NoSQL

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • Please download the file
    • download file
    • download cassandra docker container
      docker pull cassandra
    • run cassandra container docker run --name cassandra --network some-network -d cassandra
    • copy labwork files from downloaded archive to container docer cp /home/labwork/* cassandra:/home/
  • Create a Keyspace for KillrVideo
    • CREATE KEYSPACE killrvideo WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }; (screenshot 1)
  • Create a table to store video metadata
    • run cqlsh with cqlsh command
    • use killrvideo keyspace
      • USE killrvideo; (screenshot 1)
    • create table schema for videos
      • CREATE TABLE videos( video_id TIMEUUID PRIMARY KEY, added_date TIMESTAMP, desription TEXT, title TEXT, user_id UUID); (screenshot 2)
  • Load the data for the video table from a CSV file
    • COPY videos FROM 'videos.csv' WITH HEADER = TRUE; (screenshot 2)
    • query table
      • SELECT * FROM videos LIMIT 10; (screenshot 3)
      • SELECT COUNT(*) FROM videos; (screenshot 4)
      • SELECT * FROM videos WHERE video_id=6c4cffb9-0dc4-1d59-af24-c960b5fc3652; (screenshot 5)
    • delete data from table
      • TRUNCATE videos; (screenshot 6)
  • Create a new table that allows querying videos by title and year using a composite partition key
    • CREATE TABLE videos_by_title_year( title TEXT, added_year INT , added_date TIMESTAMP, desription TEXT, user_id UUID, video_id UUID, PRIMARY KEY (title,added_year)); (screenshot 7)
    • load the data from csv file
      • COPY videos_by_title_year FROM 'videos_by_title_year.csv' WITH HEADER = TRUE; (screenshot 7)
    • query table
      • SELECT * from videos_by_title_year LIMIT 10; (screenshot 8)
      • SELECT * FROM videos_by_title_year WHERE added_year = 2015; (screenshot 9)
  • Create a 'videos_by_tag_year' table that allows range scans and ordering by year
    • CREATE TABLE videos_by_tag_year( tag TEXT, added_year INT, video_id TIMEUUID, added_date TIMESTAMP, description TEXT, title TEXT, user_id UUID, PRIMARY KEY(tag,added_year)) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY(added_year DESC); (screenshot 10)
    • COPY videos_by_tag_year FROM 'videos_by_tag_year.csv' WITH HEADER = TRUE; (screenshot 11)
  • Create a user defined type
    • CREATE TYPE video_encoding ( bit_rates SET<TEXT>, encoding TEXT, height INT, width INT,); (screehsot 12)
  • Alter an existing table and add additional columns
    • add columns 'tag' and 'video_ecoding' to videos table
      • ALTER TABLE videos ADD tag TEXT; (screenshot 13)
      • ALTER TABLE videos ADD encoding video_encoding; (screesnhot 13)
    • load the data from videos_encoding.csv
      • COPY videos(video_id,encoding) FROM 'videos_encoding.csv' WITH HEADER = TRUE; (screenshot 14)
    • query resulting table
      • SELECT * FROM videos LIMIT 2; (screenshot 14)
