Nexapp / NexappCore

Several reusable classes that we use daily.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Nexapp Core

Several Java mini-modules for REST APIs.

Provided by the library


// Useful for mocking purposes
DateProvider dateProvider = new JavaDateProvider();
ZoneId zone = ZoneId.of("America/Montreal");

Instant now = dateProvider.currentTimestamp();
ZonedDateTime now = dateProvider.currentDateTime(zone);
LocalDate today = dateProvider.currentDate(zone);
DayOfWeek day = dateProvider.currentDayOfWeek(zone);


EmailValidator validator = new WithRegexEmailValidator();
boolean valid = validator.isValid("");

validator.validate(""); // no exception
validator.validate(""); // throws an exception


Range<Integer> kids = Range.of(6, 12);
Range<Integer> adults = Range.of(18, 65);

boolean overlapping = kids.isOverlapping(adults); // false
boolean overlapping = kids.isOverlapping(Range.of(0, 12)); // true

Useful structure to represent pagination concept.

Pagination page = Pagination.paged(1, 10); // First ten items
System.out.println(; // 1
System.out.println(page.itemPerPage()); // 10
System.out.println(page.startingIndex()); // 0

Pagination offset = Pagination.offsetted(50, 10); // Skip the 50 first items, then take 10 items

A picker that can pick items randomly within a Collection.

List<Integer> items = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Optional<Integer> picked = Picker.pickOne(items);
List<Integer> threePicks = Picker.pick(items, 3);
List<Integer> allPicked = Picker.pick(items, 1000); // Returns (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);  Cannot be picked more than once.

List<Integer> ignored = Arrays.asList(4, 5);
List<Integer> thousandPicks = Picker.pick(items, 1000, ignored); // Will not contains any 4 or 5

A picker that applies a weight to each of its items. It is basically a lottery system where each item has X chance(s) of being picked.

List<Integer> items = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Function<Integer, Number> weight = (item) -> {
  return item % 2 == 0 ? 10 : 1;

Optional<Integer> picked = WeightedPicker.pickOne(items, weight);


String googleMapsApiKey = "xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx";
Geocoder geocoder = new GoogleGeocoderAPI(googleMapsApiKey);

String address = "555 55th street, New York, NY";
Optional<Coordinates> location = geocoder.lookup(address);

We provide many utility classes to speed up the process of authentication. Let's see an example:

public Optional<Admin> authenticate(BasicCredentials credentials) {
    Optional<Admin> found = adminRepository.findByEmail(credentials.getUsername());
    if (!found.isPresent()) {
        return Optional.empty();
    Admin admin = found.get();
    if (!admin.matches(credentials.getPassword())) {
        return Optional.empty();
    return found;

The Admin class can matches a raw password(String) by implementating our Authenticable interface. Afterward, you simply need to persist the Password like all the other primitives. The Password class contains a salt and a hashed as bytes[], and you can only create a Password instance by providing a SaltGenerator and PasswordHasher implementation as follows:

SaltGenerator saltGenerator = new SecureRandomSaltGenerator();
PasswordHasher passwordHasher = new SHA512PasswordHasher();
Password password = Password.fromPlaintext("qwerty12345", saltGenerator, passwordHasher);

// Or if you have it persisted, you can use:
// byte[] hashedPassword = ...;
// byte[] salt = ...;
// Password password = Password.fromHash(hashedPassword, salt, passwordHasher);

Admin admin = new Admin("", password);


String display = new NumberPresenter(5.39332).numberOfDecimals(1).round().present();
System.out.println(display); // 5.4

String display = new NumberPresenter(6.9876).numberOfDecimals(1).present();
System.out.println(display); // 6.9

Super lightweight anti-pattern to inject dependencies easily. Useful for light testing in shared contexts.

ServiceLocator.locate().register(MyClass.class, new MyClass());

MyClass instance = ServiceLocator.locate().resolve(MyClass.class);
// do something with instance

// ...
ServiceLocator.reset(); // Clear all registrations

How to use it

At the moment, this project is hosted on GitHub and not on Maven Central.

In your pom.xml, you must add the GitHub repository as follows:


Then, you simply add the dependency as follows:


How to contribute

In order to run integration tests, you need to request an API key from Google Maps, and then set NEXAPP_CORE_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY as an environment variable.

How to deploy a new version

This does not bump the version number. The version must be bumped and merged into master previously (in the pom.xml and in this readme).

  • You must have write access on the repo
  • Get or create a Github auth token ( with the following scopes repo, user:email
  • Configure a name in your Github public profile (anything except blank, it's a requirement of the plugin)
  • Create a settings.xml file under ~/.m2/ with the following content:
    <settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
  • Run mvn deploy
  • Celebrate!

For more details, see


Several reusable classes that we use daily.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%