NewProggie / Dev-Utils

Common development utils such as format styles, coding guidelines etc.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Common development utils such as format styles, coding guidelines etc.

Windows macOS Linux
Build status Build Status CircleCI


Simply clone this repository and execute the script like so:

$ git clone
$ cd Dev-Utils && ./bootstrap


One may has some settings to make which are exclusively bound the current used setup such as workplace or home. For those kind of settings there are two extra files which get sourced but do not belong to version control: .extra .path.

For .path some typical settings might be:

# Add LLVM tools to PATH variable
export PATH="$HOME/Projekte/llvm/build/bin:$PATH"
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/Projekte/llvm/build/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"

export CLANG_FORMAT_PATH="${LLVM_REPO}/tools/clang/tools/clang-format"
export CLANG_INCLUDE_FIXER_PATH="${LLVM_REPO}/tools/clang/tools/extra/include-fixer/tool"
export CLANG_RENAME_PATH="${LLVM_REPO}/tools/clang/tools/extra/clang-rename/tool"

Other stuff such as gnupg settings, environment variables etc. belong to .extra.

Custom VIM options

For specific project options one can put a custom .vimrc in the root folder of the project. When starting VIM it will look for a .vimrc and load it accordingly. A good candidate may be

let &makeprg='make -C myBuildDir -j16'


Common development utils such as format styles, coding guidelines etc.

License:MIT License


Language:Vim Script 36.0%Language:Shell 23.2%Language:Python 19.6%Language:Emacs Lisp 11.8%Language:PowerShell 6.9%Language:Roff 2.3%Language:Batchfile 0.2%Language:GDB 0.1%