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Cards React Component

The Cards component is a React component that displays a horizontal scrollable list of cards. Each card represents a course or topic with an image, title, description, and duration. The component uses various libraries and features to enable smooth scrolling and parallax tilt effects for the cards.


The component relies on the following dependencies:

  • react: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • react-parallax-tilt: A library to create a parallax tilt effect on elements.
  • react-aos: A library for animating elements on scroll.
  • aos: The CSS library used by react-aos for animations.
  • aos/dist/aos.css: The CSS styles for animations used by react-aos.


To use the Cards component in your React application, you need to install the required dependencies:

npm install react react-parallax-tilt react-aos

Also, make sure to include the aos.css file in your project, either by importing it in your main CSS file or by adding it as a link in your HTML file.


To use the Cards component in your application, import it and render it within your parent component:

import React from "react";
import Cards from "./Cards";

const App = () => {
	return (
			{/* Your other components */}
			<Cards />

export default App;


The Cards component has the following features:

  1. Horizontal Scrolling: The cards are displayed in a horizontal layout, and the user can scroll through them left or right using the mouse wheel or touch gestures.

  2. Parallax Tilt Effect: The react-parallax-tilt library is used to create a subtle parallax tilt effect on the cards, adding a sense of depth and interactivity to the UI.

  3. Smooth Scrolling: The component enables smooth scrolling behavior by utilizing the scrollBehavior: "smooth" CSS property.

  4. Scroll Animations: The react-aos library is used to animate the appearance of the cards on scroll. When the cards enter the viewport, they will animate into view with a flip animation.

  5. Hide Scrollbar: The component hides the scrollbar by applying CSS styles for both Firefox and Webkit browsers, giving the UI a cleaner look.

Event Handlers

The component includes several event handlers to enable scrolling and touch functionality:

  • handleScroll: Handles the scroll event and adjusts the horizontal scroll position based on the mouse wheel movement.

  • handleTouchStart: Records the starting position of touch when a touch event begins.

  • handleTouchMove: Calculates the touch delta and adjusts the horizontal scroll position based on touch movement.

  • handleTouchEnd: Resets the touch starting position when the touch event ends.

  • handleMouseEnter: Shows the scrollbar when the mouse enters the scrollable container.

  • handleMouseLeave: Hides the scrollbar when the mouse leaves the scrollable container.


The component sets up event listeners for scrolling and touch events using useEffect. It also initializes the aos library when the component mounts. To ensure proper cleanup and prevent memory leaks, the component removes these event listeners and the aos initialization on unmount.


The component applies some global styles using styled-jsx for hiding the scrollbar and adjusting padding. Additionally, it uses inline styles to set the scrollBehavior and scrollSnapType properties to enable smooth scrolling and horizontal snapping of the cards.



Language:JavaScript 96.1%Language:CSS 3.9%