NetEase-GameAI / ResNeSt-caffe

A Caffe version of official PyTorch ResNeSt

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Model Results

Model Name Crop Size PyTorch Top1 Caffe Top1 Caffe Speed
ResNeSt-50 224x224 81.03 81.11 12.9ms
ResNeSt-101 256x256 82.83 83.06 20.9ms
ResNeSt-200 320x320 83.84 84.22 58.0ms
ResNeSt-269 416x416 84.54 84.67 105.2ms

Convert Details

  • We convert the official PyTorch-ResNeSt to Caffe by pipeline: PyTorch-ONNX-Caffe.

  • For exported ONNX model, we first merge Exp-ReduceSum-Div into one Softmax node. Then we convert to caffe by our onnx2caffe tools written from scratch.

  • Caffe models are tested on single GTX-1080Ti. PyTorch results come from official PyTorch-ResNeSt.

    • We first test accuracy on ImageNet2012 val with large batch.

    • Then we test forward time with batch=1 for 10k iterations by tools.

  • It seems caffe models are slower than that in ResNeSt-paper

    • Some ops may be more friendly for PyTorch, while less for Caffe.

    • We test on GTX-1080Ti while the latency in paper tested on Tesla-V100.

  • Need bvlc-caffe and Permute layer from ssd-caffe.

Evaluation Tools

python -imgs /data/ImageNet2012/val -label /data/ImageNet2012/labels/val.txt -proto resnest50.prototxt -model resnest50.caffemodel -size 224 -batch 20


A Caffe version of official PyTorch ResNeSt


Language:Python 100.0%