This is a template to monitor peerings BGP Quagga with Zabbix.
Python + Zabbix
- FreeBSD 11
- Quagga 1.2.2
- Python 2.7.14
- Zabbix 3.4
Using this template Zabbix Server can discovery the BGP peerings and monitor them. I'm using Zabbix Agent on FreeBSD with Quagga running BGP.
Copy the scripts and to directory /usr/bin/.
Set execute permission for both scripts:
chmod +x /usr/bin/
chmod +x /usr/bin/
- On the end of zabbix_agentd.conf file put the lines below:
[BGP Discovery]
[Session BGP monitore]
UserParameter=bgpmon[*],/usr/bin/ $1
- Grant permission for the user zabbix run vtysh commands:
pw usermod zabbix -G quagga (in my case was FreeBSD)
- Import the template on Zabbix Server and configure on host.