Nekuin / KryptoMatikka-1.1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tiedon salaus ja kryptomatematiikka 1.1

console output:

a 5
b 68
c 5
d 23
e 5
f 1
g 1
h 23
i 41
j 48
k 49
l 8
m 62
n 17
o 7
p 30
q 7
r 84
s 17
t 13
u 24
v 22
w 47
x 20
y 19
because the practice of the basic movements 
of kata is the focus and mastery of self is the essence of
matsubayashi ryu karate do i shall try to elucidate the
movements of the kata according to my interpretation
based on forty years of study
it is not an easy task to explain each movement and its
significance and some must remain unexplained to give a
complete explanation one would have to be qualified and
inspired to such an extent that he could reach the state
of enlightened mind capable of recognizing soundless
sound and shapeless shape i do not deem myself the final
authority but my experience with kata has left no doubt
that the following is the proper application and
interpretation i offer my theories in the hope that the
essence of okinawan karate will remain intact



Language:Java 100.0%