Hi BlueSpot
This is not a proper pull request, but instead is an attempt to contact you. Please forgive me: I could not see any other way to contact you. I work for an organisation called BlueSpot, and we'd very much like to use the github username BlueSpot for our main github organization. Of course you already have that username. However, we notice that you don't seem to be using Github and we were hoping you'd be willing to change your username to something else (e.g. bluespot-1). See here for how to do this: https://help.github.com/articles/changing-your-github-username/
Unfortunately, we have no money to offer you, but were hoping you'd be open to helping us out anyway. If not, don't worry. It was worth a try.
Perhaps you can reply (agree/decline) by commenting on this pull request.
Yours hopefully,