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EE559 - Deep Learning (EPFL), Spring 2020, Project 2

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EE559 - Deep Learning (EPFL), Spring 2020, Project 2: "Mini deep-learning framework"

The objective of this project is to design a mini deep learning framework using only Pytorch's tensor operations and the standard math library, hence in particular without using autograd or the neural-network modules.

To run the project: Python with two modes: 'train' for single training, 'trial' for N-round trial Running time for 'train' mode: 2-3 s => running time for 'trial' mode: 20-30 s (for 10 trials)

Default network: two input units, two output units, three hidden layers of 25 units Default loss function: MSE Default opimizer function: SGD

Toy dataset: Training and a test set of 1,000 points sampled uniformly in [0, 1]², each with a label 0 if outside the disk of radius sqrt(1/(2pi)), and 1 inside.

The architecture of the project is described in fig/ The Module class serves as a superclass for:

  • Linear layers (
  • Activation functions (implemented: ReLU, tanh) in activation/
  • Loss functions (implemented: MSE, cross-entropy) in loss/
  • Dropout-like functions (implemented: inverted Dropout) (
  • Sequential module (, which can contain a list of the aforementioned modules (except loss functions)

The Optimizer in optim/ class serves as a superclass for optimizers (implemented: SGD (with or without momentum), Adam)

Other files and folders:

  • -> "main" of the project -> can perform a single training or a N-round trial
  • -> contains functions to train the network or to perform trials
  • -> contains functions to generate, load and process data, creating plots
  • -> contains metric functions (here, only accuracy was implemented)
  • fig/ -> contains figures included in the report, as well as plotting outputs from


EE559 - Deep Learning (EPFL), Spring 2020, Project 2


Language:Python 100.0%