Nderi12 / news-parse

Parsing service from a news resource.

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News Parsing Service

A news parsing service from a news resource, for example hightload.today. The service has a page displaying the list of downloaded news and a CLI command to start parsing.

Tech Stack

  • Symfony 5.4
  • Php 7.4
  • Mysql
  • Bootstrap 5.1
  • Docker (docker-compose)
  • RabbitMQ


Parsing features:

  • From each article, the download should and be saved:
    • title
    • short description
    • picture
    • date added
  • When parsing, it is necessary to check the presence of the title in the database, and if the news is already in the database, make a note about the date and time of the last update
  • Database queries should be optimized for heavy load
  • Parsing should be in several parallel processes (via rabbitMQ)
  • Parsing must be run via cron
  • Features of the page for viewing news from the database:
  • The page for viewing news from the database should be available only after authorization in the system (registration is not required)
  • Authorized users can be with one of two roles: admin or moderator (the administrator can delete articles)
  • There must be pagination at the end of the list of articles (10 per page)



  • Docker

  • Docker compose

  • Copy .env.example to .env and edit the .env file.

  • Edit the app/resources/sources.json file and add any news sources you wish to scrape data from.

  • On Windows, check that every file in the ./shell-scripts/ sub-directory ends with Unix-style (LF) line-endings.

  • First run: Run docker-compose up -d --build. This command will run composer install to install the project's dependencies. So, it will take some time before the app is available.

    You can follow the logs by running docker-compose logs -f php.

  • Subsequent runs: Run docker-compose up -d

  • Navigate to http://localhost:<APP_PORT> where <APP_PORT> is the PORT value set in the .env file.

Working With The Application

App Users

The app currently implements three authentication account details configurable via the .env file.

  • USER: This is a non-privileged user account. Cannot not view nor delete downloaded news.
  • ADMIN: This is an administrator account. It can view and delete downloaded news.
  • MODERATOR: This is a moderator account. It can view, but cannot delete, downloaded news.

Adding URL Sources

There are two ways to add URL resources:

  • Via the app/resources/sources.json. This is the default method of adding a resource. The news resources in this file are processed asynchronously via the CLI. The CLI command is run as a cron job. You can configure the cron schedule inside the .env file. The default schedule is every minute (* * * * *).
  • Add resources via the web interface. These are processed synchronously via the web interface. This was implemented when I was fleshing out the feature. Anyway, I decided to leave it in place. Now I prefer to think of it as just a convenience that allows us to add a resource and process and parse it without waiting for the cron schedule timer to come around.

Container and Service Administration

  • To log into any container, run: docker exec -it <APP_NAME>_<SERVICE_NAME> bash .
  • To view the logs of any service, maybe for troubleshooting purposes, run: docker-compose logs -f <SERVICE_NAME>.


  • <APP_NAME> is the name of the containers as specified inside the .env file.
  • <SERVICE_NAME> is the name of the service. The following services are available:
    • php
    • nginx
    • mysql
    • rabbitmq

Eg: assuming the <APP_NAME> is testapp,

  • to log into the php container service, run: docker exec -it testapp_php bash.
  • to view the logs of the nginx service, run: docker-compose logs -f nginx.

Author: Nderi Kamau Email: nderikamau1212@gmail.com# news-parse


Parsing service from a news resource.


Language:PHP 75.2%Language:Twig 19.5%Language:Shell 5.2%Language:CSS 0.1%