NayeemJohnY / open-cart-ui-automation-playwright

Functional UI Automation using Playwright, Java, TestNG and Maven

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Functional UI Automation Framework - Open Cart Website

This UI Automation framework repository has some basic functional tests for Open Cart UI Website. It covers the login, add products to cart and checkout cart functionality. The reports of test execution published in Github Page when the tests are executed from Github Actions.

This framework built with the following:

Language Java
Build Tool Maven
UI Framework Playwright
Testing Framework TestNG
Reporting ExtentReports
Logging Log4j
Design Pattern Page Object Model
CI Github Actions
Remote Execution Selenium Grid

Github page with javadoc and Test Execution Report can be found here

Key Notes

Framework Design

  • PlaywrightFactory - Base class to create the playwright objects (Page, BrowserContext, Browser, Playwright)
    • Use the Test configuration to set up the browser and playwright Browser context with tracing, video recording, SessionState, View Port
    • This exposes only few public methods (createPage(), takeScreenshot, saveSessionState())
    • No ThreadLocal static variables used for the playwright objects instead all are encapsulated in this class, only Page object is returned, still it supports the parallel execution, This has been improved the framework design.
  • The pages package contains page objects and functional methods of each page
    • Login page - login page objects and login functional method
    • Home page - home page objects and add to cart functional method
    • Shopping Cart page - Cart page objects and checkout functionality method
  • The script can take screenshots of specific step and can save the SessionState using playwright feature.
  • Tried to reduce the static variables as much as possible. Only the methods, variables can be shared across all tests are created with static
  • Code has been analyzed for code smell, code duplication and best practices using SonarLint on fly as well as SonarCloud

Test Design

  • Each test in the tests package is independent and complete.
  • TestBase class uses the TestNG configuration annotations for set up and tear down.
    • @BeforeSuite : clean up results directory, Initialize the extent reports, logger and read test properties.
    • @AfterSuite : tear down method to write (flush) the results to extent reports and assert all the soft asserts.
    • @BeforeMethod : Start the playwright server, instantiate the page and navigate to the website.
    • @AfterMethod : Stop the tracing (if enabled), Take screenshots (if test not success) and close the page instance.
    • @BeforeClass : This method used in each Test class to create the ExtentTest for reporting.
  • For each Test new playwright server is launched which is isolated from other playwright instance.
  • The current test design supports the parallel execution of TestNG test, This has been achieved by reducing the scope of the variables and objects are used.
  • TestRunner with the test class configuration. More test runners can be added here and same should be updated in the pom.xml surefire plugin.
  • The test addMoreProductToCartAndCheckoutTest are designed to use the playwright feature Storage State. The previous login state is used in this test

Test Configuration

  • The test configuration such as URL, username, Base64 encoded password, flags to enable/disable the video recording , tracing and location to store test results and artifacts are provided in the file. This properties can be override by runtime properties if provided.
  • To read and update the properties, single instance of TestProperties class is used throughout the entire test execution. This has removed the usage of static variable of Properties class and passing of this variable across methods and classes.

Test Execution

  • The tests can be executed from maven test command or individual TestNG test from local after cloning the repo.
  • sample maven commands
       mvn clean test                          (OR)
       mvn clean test -DProperty=value         (OR)
       SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL="http://localhost:4444/wd/hub" mvn clean test


  • log4j2 logging framework is used. Logs were printed to console as well as saved to the file. The log configuration file with log pattern, Appenders is available at src/main/resources/log4j2.xml.
  • Logger is designed to support parallel execution and the logs will be printed with the Thread Id. Sample-Log4j-logs


  • Extent Spark reporter is used for test reports. Configuration (Theme, timestamp, report name, document title) for report is available at src/main/resources/extent-report-config.xml
  • Reports will be generated at the end of test execution. i.e, @AfterSuite
  • All test in a single class captured in single ExtentTest with multiple test modes
  • The system/environment variables in report are captured from the runtime/config properties.
  • For each test class (considered as scenario) one ExtentTest is created and for each test under the scenario class, the Extent testNode is created. As a result the report looks like below. Extent Report

GitHub Actions

  • Workflow: workflow_dispatch is used in workflow, so the test can be executed triggered from actions ui By default, the test will be executed on Ubuntu runner with headless mode.

  • Few input parameters (os, browser, video recording, tracing, selenium grid (headed mode)) are exposed in Actions UI, which can be passed at runtime, to execute the test with different configuration.

  • Main workflow file checkout the repository to runner host and uses the actions for maven test execution and GitHub page publish..

  • Run Maven Test action configure the Java and Maven in the runner host and then execute the test and prepare the test-results to be uploaded as artifact.

  • Publish Report to Github Page action prepare the test report for publish, configure the github page and publish the report to the github page.

    Github Actions

    Github Actions

Selenium Grid using Docker:

  • docker-compose file to start the selenium grid with hub and node. It will pull latest images of hub, browsers, chrome, chromium, firefox and edge. Start the containers using docker-compose command and while triggering the test specify the grid node url in order the scripts to run on browsers with headed mode.

Please find the changelog for the latest updates changelog

Prepared by Nayeem John


Functional UI Automation using Playwright, Java, TestNG and Maven


Language:Java 93.8%Language:HTML 6.2%