NatuMyers / CMAN_Stack


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CMAN_Stack 🛋🛋🛋🛋🛋


alt tag

COUCH = API + DB in one go.

var express = require('express') var app = express() app.use(express.static(__dirname)) app.listen(3000)

Scafold dependencies

npm init; npm install express --save; npm install angular --save; npm install angular-route --save; npm install angular-resource --save; npm install angular-materialize --save

Set Up App

npm install --save couchapp

Install CouchDB if Needed

(On Mac): brew install autoconf brew install autoconf-archive brew install automake brew install libtool brew install erlang brew install icu4c brew install spidermonkey brew install curl; brew link icu4c; brew link erlang; brew install couchdb; brew install erlang --no-docs; brew install [--devel|--head] couchdb

Run it as a Daemon

Running as a Daemon You can use the launchctl command to control the CouchDB daemon.

You can load the configuration by running:

sudo launchctl load

You can stop the CouchDB daemon by running:

sudo launchctl unload

You can start CouchDB by running:

sudo launchctl start org.apache.couchdb

You can restart CouchDB by running:

sudo launchctl stop org.apache.couchdb

You can edit the launchd configuration by running:

open /usr/local/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.couchdb.plist

To start the daemon on boot, copy the configuration file to:


Check out your API and Add data

couchdb & # start a CouchDB Is a link to your API

curl -X PUT # create the database emails

Insert a Record

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"email": ""}'

Set up Clientside app (AngularJs)

Config couchDB for that

Now if we try to connect to our database with angular, it’s going to throw a cross domain error. To get around this issue I need to enable CORS from CouchDB. If you are running Couch on the default port you can get to the config file by going to Under the httpd section I will set ‘enable_cors’ to ‘true’, then I will ‘Add a new section’ and supply the following data

section: cors
option: origins
value: *

In a production environment I would probably tie CORS down to whatever domains I expect to receive requests from, but we are building a prototype and not a production app. Now we're good to connect to angular.

In whatever directory you want to set up your public website, create an app.js file for your Angular App.

mkdir clientside nano app.clientside.js

Now to integrate our email resource with Angular's MVC framework, you must add the resource that communicates to the api, then add emails it to "Factory" (M), then add a "Controller" (C), then add it to your html view (V).

M: paste this in your Angular app.js file:

// add to my app.angular.js file

.factory('Emails', function($resource) {
    var Methods = {
            'getAll': {
                'params': {
                'transformResponse':function(data) {
                    var returnOb = angular.fromJson(data);
                    return returnOb.rows;
    var Email = $resource('http://localhost:5984/emails/:id',{'id':'@id'},Methods);
    return Email;

This factory returns a resource object which will have all of the standard API methods I need to CRUD my beer object.
One of the things to take note of is the the method I am adding ‘getAll’ which uses CouchDB’s built in _all_docs method
to retrieve a listing of all beers. I also am setting the param ‘include_docs’ to true. This will tell CouchDB that I
also want the documents along with each record, otherwise it will return just an array of the document IDs (not really
useful for a listing page!)


.factory('Email', function() {
    return {
        'setId' : function() { 
            this._id = encodeURIComponent((this.brand + '_' +' ', '_'));
        'entries' : []

C: Now paste this:

// add to my app.angular.js file
routerApp.controller('EmailController', function($scope, Email) {
    Email.getAll(function(ob) {
        $scope.emails = ob;

V: emails.html should be a view that's wraped by index.html, so

nano emails.html




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