NathanRibeiroC / NathanRibeiroC

Nathan Ribeiro's Profile

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Welcome to Nathan Ribeiro's profile!

Feel free to visit my public repositories

🗂️ A little bit about me

  "currentlyWorkingOn": "This is only a test",
  "currentlyLearning": [
    "This is only a test",
    "This is only a test"
  "linkedIn": "",
  "askMeAbout": [
    "Functional Programming",
    "Container Orchestration",
    "12 Factors App Methodology"
  "additionalInformation": [
    "I like to always follow the best development practices",
    "I improve the performance and quality of the app so that it is better every day",
    "I'm dedicated to always providing the best user experience",
    "This is only a test",
    "I like working with UI/UX and designing products and flows",
    "I'm always learning"

🛠️ My favorite tools

👨‍💻 Programming and markup languages

Bash C++ CSS SASS HTML Java JavaScript LaTeX Markdown Node.js Python SQL SVG+XML TypeScript Cucumber

🧰 Frameworks, libraries and build

Jest Vite Prettier Babel Vitest React Testing Library cra GitHub Actions JUnit NumPy Pandas Pytest React Redux Jupyter Anaconda Yarn Npm EsLint Cypress Selenium

🗄️ Databases and cloud hosting

Heroku MongoDB MySQL Notion Oracle PostgreSQL SQLite Redis Redis SonarQube

💻 Software and tools

Docker Ubuntu WSL2 Adobe Audacity Dark Reader Dbeaver Discord Git Google Sheets Jupyter OBS Studio Postman SonarLint Stack Overflow Visual Studio Code Figma Github Jira Confluence Bitbucket Wolfram Slack IntelliJ IDEA PyCharm CLion


Nathan Ribeiro's Profile