Utilities for Processing the HCRC Map Task Corpus for the purpose of dialogue act (DA) classification. The data has been randomly split, with the training set comprising 80% of the dialogues (102), and test and validation sets 10% each (13).
The maptask_to_text.py script processes all dialogues into a plain text format. Individual dialogues are saved into directories corresponding to the set they belong to (train, test, etc). All utterances in a particular set are also saved to a text file.
The utilities.py script contains various helper functions for loading/saving the data.
The process_transcript.py includes functions for processing each dialogue.
The maptask_metadata.py generates various metadata from the processed dialogues and saves them as a dictionary to a pickle file. The words, labels and frequencies are also saved as plain text files in the /metadata directory.
Utterance are tagged with the Maptask Coding Scheme for DA.
By default:
- Utterances are written one per line in the format Speaker | Utterance Text | Dialogue Act Tag.
- Setting the utterance_only_flag == True, will change the default output to only one utterance per line i.e. no speaker or DA tags.
- Utterances marked as Uncodable ('uncodable' tag) are removed.
- Incomplete words have been removed i.e. 'th--'.
g|starting off we are above a caravan park|instruct
Dialogue Act | Labels | Count | % | Train Count | Train % | Test Count | Test % | Val Count | Val % |
Acknowledge | acknowledge | 5605 | 20.94 | 4433 | 21.04 | 527 | 20.29 | 645 | 20.82 |
Instruct | instruct | 4267 | 15.94 | 3390 | 16.09 | 417 | 16.06 | 460 | 14.85 |
Yes-Reply | reply_y | 3230 | 12.07 | 2530 | 12.01 | 304 | 11.71 | 396 | 12.78 |
Explain | explain | 2160 | 8.07 | 1669 | 7.92 | 219 | 8.43 | 272 | 8.78 |
Check | check | 2137 | 7.99 | 1683 | 7.99 | 232 | 8.93 | 222 | 7.17 |
Ready | ready | 2062 | 7.70 | 1559 | 7.40 | 222 | 8.55 | 281 | 9.07 |
Check Attention | align | 1778 | 6.64 | 1444 | 6.85 | 130 | 5.01 | 204 | 6.58 |
Yes-No-Question | query_yn | 1758 | 6.57 | 1350 | 6.41 | 191 | 7.35 | 217 | 7.00 |
Clarify | clarify | 1193 | 4.46 | 970 | 4.60 | 116 | 4.47 | 107 | 3.45 |
Non Yes-No-Reply | reply_w | 916 | 3.42 | 729 | 3.46 | 83 | 3.20 | 104 | 3.36 |
No-Reply | reply_n | 884 | 3.30 | 692 | 3.28 | 101 | 3.89 | 91 | 2.94 |
Non Yes-No-Question | query_w | 772 | 2.88 | 618 | 2.93 | 55 | 2.12 | 99 | 3.20 |
- Total number of utterances: 26743
- Max utterance length: 115
- Mean utterance length: 6.15
- Total Number of dialogues: 128
- Max dialogue length: 682
- Mean dialogue length: 208.93
- Vocabulary size: 1797
- Number of labels:12
- Number of speakers: 2
Train set
- Number of dialogues: 102
- Max dialogue length: 682
- Mean dialogue length: 206.39
- Number of utterances: 21052
Test set
- Number of dialogues: 13
- Max dialogue length: 314
- Mean dialogue length: 212.46
- Number of utterances: 2762
Val set
- Number of dialogues: 13
- Max dialogue length: 439
- Mean dialogue length: 225.31
- Number of utterances: 2929
- num_utterances = Total number of utterance in the full corpus.
- max_utterance_len = Number of words in the longest utterance in the corpus.
- mean_utterance_len = Average number of words in utterances.
- num_dialogues = Total number of dialogues in the corpus.
- max_dialogues_len = Number of utterances in the longest dialogue in the corpus.
- mean_dialogues_len = Average number of utterances in dialogues.
- word_freq = Dataframe with Word and Count columns.
- vocabulary = List of all words in vocabulary.
- vocabulary_size = Number of words in the vocabulary.
- label_freq = Dataframe containing all data in the Dialogue Acts table above.
- labels = List of all DA labels.
- num_labels = Number of labels used from the Maptask data.
- speakers = List of all speakers.
- num_speakers = Number of speakers in the Maptask data.
Each data set also has:
- <setname>_num_utterances = Number of utterances in the set.
- <setname>_num_dialogues = Number of dialogues in the set.
- <setname>_max_dialogue_len = Length of the longest dialogue in the set.
- <setname>_mean_dialogue_len = Mean length of dialogues in the set.