Nate-Wessel / TTC-funding

Longitudinal data on funding and fares for the Toronto Transit Commission

Repository from Github https://github.comNate-Wessel/TTC-fundingRepository from Github https://github.comNate-Wessel/TTC-funding


This repository is for organizing and sharing data related to the funding and operations of the Toronto Transit Commission. It focuses specifically on developing a longitudinal/historical database from a variety of reliable sources. Some incidental data like a consumer price index are included as well.

If you have data or some other primary source not given here, I would love it if you reached out via email or created a pull request.


Some basic charts visualizing the data in this repository. Feel free to share/reuse them with proper attribution and a link to this repository.


Prior to 1973, the TTC had a zone-based fare scheme. The fares are not directly comparable to the flat fare system we now have, though that system is also incomparable to itself as service has changed dramatically over time. Note that the Ticket/Token category now includes Presto fares.

fare chart

Level of Service

revenue kilometers chart

fleet chart

Demand and Use

trips chart

Funding and Revenue

ops funding chart (adjusted for inflation)

recovery ratio chart


Some data are best provided year by year, i.e. standard panel data, while others e.g. fare changes are better recorded as a set of transition points. In either case, I am entering data first in what I hope is a nicely formatted spreadsheet, and then later once that becomes fairly complete, simplifying it into a CSV so it's easier to work with.


Sources, if referenced in a spreadsheet, may be identified by their numbers in the list below. If citing something new, please make a copy of it in some relatively stable format (e.g. PDF, XML, PNG screenshot) and bring it into this repository to prevent link rot. Include a date in the file name with the format YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY at the very least.

  1. 1998 - 2018 Transit Factbooks from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation
  2. 2002 - 2016 A spreadsheet on fares compiled by TTCRiders
  3. 1973 - 2012 web archive of
  4. 2020 - ???? periodic snapshots of
  5. 1960 - 2018 archive of TTC annual reports provided by the TTC

Backups of source material are all provided in the sources directory.

Potential Sources

Not yet cited:


Longitudinal data on funding and fares for the Toronto Transit Commission


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