NassarX / mlflow-starterkit

MLFLow Server - Jupyter Notebook Dockerized StarterKit

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MLFLow Server - Jupyter Notebook StarterKit

A Dockerized environment for Jupyter notebooks and MLflow server, providing an easy and customizable setup. Seamlessly connect Jupyter and MLflow servers to streamline workflows and track experiments.

Table of Contents


Setting up the necessary environment for your next project can be a time-consuming and frustrating process. This became clear during my recent MLOps class where many of us struggled to set up Jupyter Notebook and MLflow server environments.

The project allows for easy customization of Jupyter Notebook and MLflow server configurations through Docker Compose, making it easy to switch between different setups.


  • Dockerized environment for Jupyter notebooks and MLflow server, allowing for easy setup and deployment.
  • Choice of Jupyter Notebook stacks including jupyter/minimal-notebook, jupyter/scipy-notebook, and jupyter/all-spark-notebook, and more.
  • MLFlow Configurable Metadata Store: The flexibility to configure metadata (e.g. metrics, parameters) store. You can choose to use a relational database like MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite by default. Alternatively, you can configure the system to use Amazon S3 for storing the metadata.
  • MLFlowConfigurable Artifact Store: The flexibility to configure artifacts store. By default, the artifacts are stored on the local file system. However, you can configure the system to use a cloud storage as AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Azure.
  • Streamlined connection between Jupyter Notebook and MLflow server.

Quick Start

Make sure to Review the Pre-requisites section below before getting started.



This application is shipped with the Docker Compose environment and requires Docker to be installed locally and running. If you're not familiar with Docker or don't have it locally, please reach out to the official website to learn more and follow the Docker installation instructions to install it on your platform:

Docker for Mac
Docker for Linux
Docker for Windows

The Project is containerized within two containers currently build on top of jupyter/scipy-notebook and Python-3.10-slim images both images could be customized via .env choose the one that fits your needs version and system distribution wise, requirements.txt attached and could be customized to add more dependencies.

Environment Variables

Make sure to copy the .env.example file located in the root directory of the project and rename it to .env before running containers.


Variable Description Default Value
JUPYTER_BASE_IMAGE Jupyter Notebook Base image jupyter/scipy-notebook
JUPYTER_BASE_VERSION Jupyter Notebook Image Version latest
JUPYTER_PORT Jupyter Notebook port 8888
JUPYTER_HOST_PORT Jupyter Notebook host port 8899
JUPYTER_TOKEN Jupyter Notebook default token jupyter


Variable Description Default Value
PYTHON_VERSION Python version 3.10
DEBIAN_VERSION Debian version slim-buster
MLFLOW_VERSION MLflow version 2.3.1
MLFLOW_SERVER_PORT MLflow server port 5000
MLFLOW_SERVER_HOST_PORT MLflow server host port 5001
MLFLOW_BACKEND_STORE MLflow backend store sqlite:////mlflow/mlruns/runs.db
MLFLOW_ARTIFACT_STORE MLflow artifact store /home/jovyan/artifacts


An MLflow tracking server has 3 components for storage: locally and remotlly.

  • MLFLOW_BACKEND_STORE: The backend store is where MLflow Tracking Server stores experiment and run metadata (params, metrics, and tags). It could be a file store or database-backed store like MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite by default. Stored locally MLflow Server.
    • example: sqlite:////mlflow/mlruns.db or postgresql://username:password@host:port/database.
  • MLFLOW_ARTIFACT_STORE: The artifact store is a location suitable for large data (such as an S3 bucket or shared NFS file system) and is where clients log their artifact output (for example, models).
    • example: file:///local/path/mlruns or s3://bucket/path or azure://bucket/path or hdfs://namenode/path or file:///local/path
  • MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI: Environment variable To log runs same as MLFLOW_BACKEND_STORE but remotely.
    • example: http://localhost:5000, https://my-tracking-server:5000 or databricks://<profileName>.

Up And Running

Jupyter Notebook

In case you want to run the Jupyter Notebook container only, run the following commands:

To build and run the Jupyter Notebook container:

docker build -t nassarx/mlflow-notebook:1.0 \
-f ./docker/jupyter \
--build-arg JUPYTER_BASE_IMAGE=<image> \
--build-arg JUPYTER_BASE_VERSION=<version> .
docker run \
-p <host_port>:<container_port> \
-e GRANT_SUDO=yes \
-e JUPYTER_TOKEN=<token> \
-v <local_notebooks_dir>:/home/jovyan/work \
-v <local_mlruns_dir>:/home/jovyan/mlruns \

Or simply run the following command to build and run the container from docker-compose:

docker-compose up mlflow-notebook

MLflow Server

In case you want to run the MLflow server container only, run the following commands:

To build and run the MLflow server container, run the following commands:

docker build -t nassarx/mlflow-server:1.0 \
-f ./docker/mlflow \
--build-arg PYTHON_VERSION=<version> \
--build-arg DEBIAN_VERSION=<version> \
--build-arg MLFLOW_VERSION=<version> \
--build-arg MLFLOW_SERVER_PORT=<port> .
docker run --name mlflow-server \
-p <host_port>:<container_port> \
-e MLFLOW_BACKEND_STORE=<backend_store> \
-e MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=<tracking_uri> \
-v <local_mlflow_dir>:/home/jovyan/mlruns \

Or simply run the following command to build and run the container from docker-compose:

docker-compose up mlflow-server

Jupyter Notebook & MLflow Server

To build and run both containers on same network, run the following commands:

docker-compose up

Alternatively you can start the application containers in detached mode to suppress containers messages:

docker-compose up --detach

To stop and remove containers, run the following command:

docker-compose down --rmi all

Note: The --rmi all flag will remove all images associated with the containers. If you want to keep the images, remove the flag.

Accessing Services

  • Jupyter Notebook will be listening on ports 8899 on your localhost, you can access the application main page using your browser using the following URL: http://localhost:8899. or configure your IDE to connect to the notebook server using the following URL: http://localhost:8899. Note: You'll need to provide the token you've set in the .env file to access the notebook server.

  • MLflow server will be listening on ports 5001 on your localhost, you can access the application main page using your browser using the following URL: http://localhost:5001.

Project Structure

├── mlruns
│   ├── 24552641888*****
│   ├── 31988532510*****
│   ├── 61683865883*****
│   ├── etc
├── models
│   ├── 1
│   ├── 2
├── docker
│   ├── jupyter
│   │   └── config
│   │   └── Dockerfile
│   └── mlflow
│       ├── bin
│       └── config
│       └── Dockerfile
└── notebooks
└── docker-compose.yml
└── .env
└── .env.example
└── .gitignore


  • To connect to mlflow server from jupyter notebook running on the same network, use the following code:


Note: The mlflow-server is the name of the container running the mlflow server.

  • To connect to mlflow server from jupyter notebook running on a different network, use the following code:


Note: The host_ip is the ip address of the host machine running the mlflow server, could be your local machine (localhost) or a remote server.

Future Work

As part of ongoing development, we plan to extend the capabilities of the project to make it more versatile and customizable. Specifically, we plan to add the following features:

  • Test PostgreSQL and MySQL as a backend store for storing metadata such as metrics, parameters, and tags.
  • Configure AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Azure Blob Storage as artifact stores for storing the model artifacts and other output files generated during the experiments.
  • Provide an abstract configuration interface that allows users to easily switch between different backend stores and artifact stores based on their needs and preferences.
  • Enhance the integration with other popular ML frameworks and libraries beside PyTorch such as TensorFlow to support a wider range of use cases and workflows.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




MLFLow Server - Jupyter Notebook Dockerized StarterKit

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 97.7%Language:Dockerfile 2.1%Language:Shell 0.3%