Naoray / package-dev

Example package development for Laravel 5.4

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Example package development build

If you have questions, try to find the answers in the official documentation

I had some troubles getting started with package development in laravel 5.4, that's why this repository was created.

This repo is for helping you to have a quick and easy start with package development in laravel 5.4. It was inspired by jaiwalker's jaiwalker/setup-laravel5-package

Take a look at the build in package: Naoray/Test!

start developing your own package

Step 1 : clone repo and install dependencies

git clone

and install the dependencies through composer:

composer install this will also generate a key for your application and copy the .env.example file into an .env file

Step 2 : Create your package sub folder, service provider and facades

In root directory create a folder called packages/your_github_name/your_package_name/src/ e.g. root/packages/Naoray/Test/src

Now navigate to the src folder and create a file for your service provider, e.g. TestServiceprovider.php.

To create a ServiceProvider simply run php artisan make:provider Your_Package_nameProvider and cut the file from app/providers to your packages src/ directory.

Take a look at this file as an example.

Creating Routes

In your src folder create a new routes folder in which you create your webroutes file named web.php. e.g. like here

Creating Controllers

In your Http folder create a new directory called Controllers. In this folder you can create your controller. e.g. like here

Creating Config

In your src folder create a new directory and call it config. In it create a new file (e.g. test.php) like this

Creating Views

In your src folder create a new directory and call it resources/ and in this folder create a new folder named views/. In the views/ folder you can create your own custom blade views. (example file

Creating Commands

Run php artisan make:command CommandName, go to app/Console/ and cut out the Commands/ folder. Now go to your packages src folder and paste it.

Add the command to the ServiceProvider's command array and register the command like in this file)

    public function register()
         * some other code ...

        if ($this->app->runningInConsole()) {

Creating Facades

In your src folder create a facades/ folder. Within the facades/ folder create your facade files. (example file

In your src folder create a file named like the facade you created before. (example file)

Note: you have to alias your facade with the 'facade file' in your ServiceProvider like:

    $this->app->alias(Test::class, 'naoray-test');

The value you use to bind your facade has to be the same value like in the facades getFacadeAccessor() method.

Step 3: init composer

Change to your packages directory and run composer init.

Add the following to your packages composer.json file:

    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "your_github_name\\your_package_name\\": "src/"

Step 4: Add package path in root composer.json

In your root composer.json file add "Naoray\\Test\\": "packages/naoray/test/src/" to psr-4, like:

    "psr-4": {
        "App\\": "app/",
        "your_github_name\\your_package_name\\": "packages/your_github_name/your_package_name/src"

Step 5: add service provider and facade (optional)in app config.

Add your_github_name\your_package_name\your_packages_service_provider::class, to the config/app.php providers and to the aliases array (optional)array like this:

        // providers array
         * Package Service Providers...

       // aliases array
       'Test' => Naoray\Test\Facades\Test::class,

Step 6: load your package

Run composer dump-autoload - make sure there are no errors.

Now you are ready to test your package!


This package boilerplate demonstrates some basic functionality usage which you can reuse for your own package development. Such as using...

  • routes
  • config files
  • controllers
  • views
  • facades
  • testing

Something missing?

If you want me to add something just open an issue and describe your desire!


Example package development for Laravel 5.4


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