Najrul-Ansari / HR-Attrition-Analysis-Report

This GitHub repository hosts a comprehensive HR attrition analysis report, providing valuable insights into employee turnover trends within an organization. The report includes in-depth statistical analysis, data visualizations, and actionable recommendations to help HR professionals and business leaders make informed decisions to reduce attrition.

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Welcome to the HR Attrition Analysis Report repository! This repository contains the Tableau visualization and supporting files for our in-depth analysis of employee attrition within our organization.
Tableau Dashboard Link -


This Tableau report is designed to provide a clear and insightful view of the HR attrition data. It offers interactive dashboards and visualizations that help you understand the key factors contributing to attrition and make data-driven decisions to improve employee retention.

Key Features

  • Interactive Dashboards: Explore interactive Tableau dashboards that provide a deep dive into various aspects of HR attrition, such as demographics, performance, and more.

  • Data Sources: This repository includes the necessary data sources or connections to facilitate easy integration with your HR data.

  • Insights and Recommendations: The report offers key insights and actionable recommendations based on the analysis, empowering HR professionals and management to devise strategies for reducing attrition.

Getting Started

To get started with this HR Attrition Analysis Report, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository: Start by cloning this repository to your local machine using git clone.

  2. Data Integration: Integrate your own HR attrition data or use the provided sample data.

  3. Open the Tableau Workbook: Open the Tableau workbook included in this repository using your Tableau Desktop application.

  4. Interact with Dashboards: Explore the interactive dashboards, filter data, and gain insights into your organization's attrition patterns.


We would like to acknowledge the support and contribution of the entire HR team and the Data Analytics Department in creating this HR Attrition Analysis Report.

Thank you for using our Tableau HR Attrition Analysis Report. We hope you find it valuable for making informed HR decisions and improving employee retention within your organization.


This GitHub repository hosts a comprehensive HR attrition analysis report, providing valuable insights into employee turnover trends within an organization. The report includes in-depth statistical analysis, data visualizations, and actionable recommendations to help HR professionals and business leaders make informed decisions to reduce attrition.