Nadav23AnT / Book-Scrabble

This Java-based project simulates a tile management system for a Scrabble-like word game, showcasing various software engineering principles and practices.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Book-Scrabble - Tile Management System

This Java-based project simulates a tile management system for a Scrabble-like word game, showcasing various software engineering principles and practices.


**Immutable Tiles: **Demonstrates the use of immutability in class design, ensuring that tile states remain consistent throughout the game. **Singleton Bag: **Employs the Singleton design pattern for managing the central tile repository, ensuring global access while preventing multiple instantiations. Random and Specific Tile Retrieval: Illustrates the use of algorithms to manage and manipulate data structures effectively. Tile Return Mechanism: Implements functionality to return tiles to the bag, showcasing the practical use of data structure manipulation. Software Engineering Experience

Software engineering Elements & Best Practices:

**Design and Architecture Templates: **Utilizes design patterns like Singleton, demonstrating effective software architecture planning. **Communication and Server-Client Architecture: **While the current scope focuses on tile management, the structure allows for extension into a server-client model for multiplayer gaming. Data Structures / Databases: Showcases the use of arrays and data manipulation, with potential scalability to utilize databases for persistent storage. **Data Streaming: **Sets the groundwork for implementing file-based data streaming, essential for game state saving and loading. Algorithm Implementation: Employs algorithms for random tile drawing and specific tile retrieval, essential for game logic. Parallel Programming: The architecture supports extension into using threads for parallel tasks, crucial for real-time multiplayer games. Event-Oriented Programming with GUI: While the current console-based validation demonstrates core logic, the design allows integration with a GUI, showcasing event-driven programming. book scru2

Getting Started

Ensure Java is installed and follow these steps to run the project:

Clone the repository:

git clone <repository-url>

Navigate to the project directory:

cd <project-directory>

Compile the Java files:


Run the validator to test the Bag class functionality:

java BagValidator


This Java-based project simulates a tile management system for a Scrabble-like word game, showcasing various software engineering principles and practices.


Language:Java 100.0%