NVlabs / contact_graspnet

Efficient 6-DoF Grasp Generation in Cluttered Scenes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

tf_sampling_so.so: undefined symbol: _ZN10tensorflow14kernel_factory17OpKernel

ChengYaofeng opened this issue · comments

tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.NotFoundError: /home/cyf/contact_graspnet/pointnet2/tf_ops/sampling/tf_sampling_so.so: undefined symbol: _ZN10tensorflow14kernel_factory17OpKernelRegistrar12InitInternalEPKNS_9KernelDefEN4absl11string_viewESt10unique_ptrINS0_15OpKernelFactoryESt14default_deleteIS8_EE

I found that it is because the g++ version > 4, maybe some other problem. So how can I solve it ?

OK,I solved it!

Could you please share how did you solve this problem?