NVlabs / IPA

Interconnect Prototyping Assistant (IPA) is an interconnect modeling and generation framework built atop [MatchLib] (https://github.com/NVlabs/matchlib) and [Connections] (https://github.com/hlslibs/matchlib_connections) libraries.

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Interconnect Prototyping Assistant (IPA)

Getting Started

Interconnect Prototyping Assistant (IPA) is a VLSI interconnect modeling and generation framework built atop MatchLib and Connections libraries.

Tool versions

MatchLib is regressed against the following tool/dependency verions:

  • gcc - 4.9.3 (with C++11)
  • systemc - 2.3.1
  • boost - 1.68.0
  • doxygen - 1.8.11
  • make - 3.82
  • catapult - 10.5a
  • connections - included with catapult
  • vcs - 2017.03-SP2-11
  • verdi - 2017.12-SP2-11
  • rapidjson - v1.1.0
  • python - 3.4.2

Environment requirements

Makefiles assume the appropriate definition of the following environment variables:


In addition, the boost and systemc library locations are expected to be in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Build and run example

Recursively checkout matchlib submodule

git submodule update --init --recursive

MatchLib will be downloaded to matchlib/ and rapidjson to matchlib/rapidjson/.

C++ compile and simulate

cd cmod/ProducerConsumer/
make run 

HLS run

cd hls/ProducerConsumer/Grout_0
make hls

Directory structure

  • TUTORIAL.md information on getting started
  • bin contains Python scripts for interconnect prototyping assistant
  • cmod/include/interconnect/*.h contains header files for functions and classes for Interconnect Prototyping Assistant
  • cmod/ProducerConsumer/ sub-directories containing example IPA use
  • hls/ProducerConsumer/Grout_0/ sub-directories contain HLS scripts for IPA implementation
  • doc/ contains Makefiles for building Doxygen-based documentation

API Reference

Supported language: SystemC.

See Doxygen generated documentation in doc/ with more information.

Macro Reference

Message and Unit Macros

IC_MESSAGE(MSG_TYPE): Message data type for message classes of MSG_TYPE, whose payload is defined in the interconnect config header. Can be used to instantiate new messages (ex. IC_Message(my_msg) new_message;), or passed as a template parameter to Connections ports (ex. Connections::In<IC_MESSAGE(my_msg)>).

IC_TO(DEST_ID): Used along with the << operator to append dest_id of DEST_ID to the message's destination list. Multiple destinations can be added for a single message. For example, im << IC_TO(42) << IC_TO(86) << IC_TO(27); will add destination indexes of 42, 86, and 27 to message im. Destination indexes are assigned in the IC_BIND_PART macro described below. DEST_ID may be a runtime variable.

Partition Macros

IC_HAS_INTERFACE(PART_REF): Added to the partition class declaration. Declares that the class is a partition of name PART_REF. PART_REF should match the C++ class name and the name given to IC_ADD_PARTITION() in the interconnect config header.

IC_BIND_PORT(PORT_INST): Added to the partition class constructor. Registered the Connections::In and ::Out port PORT_INST with the Interconnect API. Should only be called once per port.

Top-Level Macros

IC_HAS_INTERCONNECT(INTERCONNECT_REF): Added to the declaration of the top-level class. INTERCONNECT_REF should match the name given in IC_ADD_INTERCONNECT() in the interconnect config header.

IC_BIND_PART(PART_INST, DEST_ID): Added to the top-level class's constructor. Registers partition instance PART_INST with the Interconnect API, and assigns it a destination index of DEST_ID that can be references with IC_TO(). DEST_ID` must be a constant at compile time.

Interconnect Configuration File Reference

File type: YAML

Interconnect Topology Options

Common YAML Options

wire_prop_speed: Sets the speed in clock cycles of wires per unit-distance. For X units of manhattan distance, ceil(X/wire_prop_speed) of clock cycles are needed. (default: 1.0) extra_latency (modeling only): Extra latency to add to an interconnect type, in clock cycles. Useful for sensitivity analysis. Will also be added to generated interconnect as increased number of retiming stages. (default: 0) extra_capacity (modeling only): Extra link capacity to add to an interconnect type, in clock cycles. Useful for sensitivity analysis. Will also be added to generated interconnect as increased number buffers within retiming stages. (default: 0)

Directly-Connected Links

YAML interconnect topology type set to link.

No additional supported options beyond the common options set above.

Centralized Crossbar

YAML interconnect topology type set to crossbar.

Supported YAML options:

  • crossbar_latency (modeling only): Cycle latency through the crossbar, from input to output. (default: 2)
  • crossbar_bw (modeling only): Amount of bandwidth supported by the crossbar as a multiples of the max message size through the crossbar. -1 indicates no limits. (default: -1)
  • crossbar_x_coor: x coordinate of centralized crossbar on floorplan. (default: 0.0)
  • crossbar_y_coor: y coordinate of centralized crossbar on floorplan. (default: 0.0)

Uniform Mesh Network-on-Chip

YAML interconnect topology type set to noc.

Supported YAML options:

router_latency (modeling only): Cycle latency through a router, from input to output. It should be set for what the router can be scheduled for in HLS. (default: 1) router_spacing: Unit distance between routers on floorplan. (default: 1.0) bus_width: Flit width of the generated network-on-chip. Messages are serialized and deserialized to this width. (default: 64) Unit Options

Supported options for units:

x_coor: X-coordinate in arbitrary units of partition instance on floorplan,. (default: 0.0) y_coor: Y-coordinate in arbitrary units of partition instance on floorplan. (default: 0.0) inject (modeling only): When True marks that message to/from this partition should not be annotated with latency or capacity during modeling. Useful for testbench partitions that don't have physical meaning. (default: False)

Known Issues

CONNECTIONS_FAST_SIM is currently not supported by IPA (will not compile).

Newer versions of Connections bundled with Catapult are supported, but a compiler flag may need to be used. In particular, Connections multi clock support will not compile without the -DCAP_CONNECTIONS_MULTI_CLK compiler flag. The sample Makefile in cmod/interconnect/ProducerConsumer/ attempts to detect the Catapult version, and set the flag appropriately. IPA always uses the first registered clock (assumes one clock for the system). Multi clock support within IPA will come at a later time.


MatchLib originated as a project of NVIDIA Research.

Contributors to the initial open-source release (alphabetical): Ben Keller, Brucek Khailany, Nathaniel Pinckney, Rangharajan Venkatesan

IPA's channel annotation feature is based on MatchLib's implementation and dependent on RapidJSON released under the MIT License.


If used for research, please cite the ICCAD paper:

Nathaniel Pinckney, Rangharajan Venkatesan, Ben Keller, and Brucek Khailany, "IPA: Floorplan-Aware SystemC Interconnect Performance Modeling and Generation for HLS-based SoCs," in International Conference On Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), November 2021.


Interconnect Prototyping Assistant (IPA) is an interconnect modeling and generation framework built atop [MatchLib] (https://github.com/NVlabs/matchlib) and [Connections] (https://github.com/hlslibs/matchlib_connections) libraries.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 49.0%Language:C++ 47.9%Language:Tcl 1.6%Language:Makefile 1.5%