NVIDIAGameWorks / PhysX


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Crash in releasing Scene Queries

CuSO4H2O5 opened this issue · comments

Hello, I have encountered a weird crash on using PhysX 3.4.1. But I don't know how this triggered.
When I switch the phyx scene between my 2 levels, which contains a pxscene release and a pxscene create, it sometimes crash because of a simd overflow in releasing AABB tree of scene query. mNodeAllocator, mParentIndices pointer, mTotalNbNodes, mTotalPrims, this four in AABBTree are set to 1.0 in floating point, so it might be a simd overflow.
I have tried simulate once before release to update its sq structure, but it not works. And I found that it will always crash when AABB Trees are empty.
Unfortunately it happens just in a complex editor, so I can't make a simple repo of it. I want to know if physx team has already fixed this issue or just my miss used it?
The crash stacks are as follow picture. Could someone helps? thanks a lot.

Hi Copper Sulfate, I assume you are not easily able to switch and test with our newer PhysX 5?

I'm adding @PierreTerdiman who might have a deeper insight about the crash. Internal tracking: PX-4782.

I'm afraid I don't have a deeper insight into this one. PhysX 3.4.1 was a long time ago now, and while I don't immediately recognize this specific crash / callstack, it is possible that it has been fixed in newer versions. Would it be an option to upgrade to a more recent PhysX build ? If not, are you able to recompile PhysX 3.4.1 anyway ? It could be an issue in that "extended bucket pruner" and IIRC there was a way to disable it with a compile time flag or define.

Closing for now.