NVIDIAGameWorks / PhysX


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Ubuntu - undefined reference to PxSetPhysXGpuProfilerCallback

Kai-Indiemade opened this issue · comments

I seem to have the libraries(.lib files) successfully linked on Linux via Cmake, but I am getting the following error:
PxPvdImpl.cpp:108: undefined reference to 'PxSetPhysXGpuProfilerCallback'

It appears it is trying to include code that is for the PhysXGpu library, which to my knowledge is supposed to optional? It it is not, how would I link it to my project? I tried linking the dll, but that caused other undefined references, so I'm assuming PhysXGpu has some dependencies of it's own.

I found a preprocessor directive "DISABLE_CUDA_PHYSX" that looks like it'd avoid the calls to PhysXGpu, but defining it didn't seem to make a difference.

I meant to post this for PhysX 5.1, closing.