NVIDIA-AI-IOT / torch2trt

An easy to use PyTorch to TensorRT converter

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ONNX export mode is set to TrainingMode.EVAL, but operator 'instance_norm' is set to train=True

edwardnguyen1705 opened this issue · comments

Dear @jaybdub ,

I have tried torch2trt to convert an OSNet-AIN model based on fast-reid, and I observe the following WARNING

UserWarning: ONNX export mode is set to TrainingMode.EVAL, but operator 'instance_norm' is set to train=True. Exporting with train=True.

It seems that the warning could lead to the difference between outputs of pytorch and tensorrt are quite different on a person reid dataset. I attach the scripts to produce the results.

Have encountered this issue and figured out a way to tackle this?
Thanks for your time.

@edwardnguyen1705 I encountered the same error. Did you solve it?

Hi @jayong-sv ,
I made a mistake, actually the warning does not affect the result.