A project demonstrating how to use CUDA-PointPillars to deal with cloud points data from lidar.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The performance specified in github is not reproduced.

KwangjinChoi opened this issue · comments

Hi, I would like to reproduce the preformance of github with the pre-trained model given by CUDA-PointPillars.
However, I would like to ask help because it is not reproduced.

Compared to the pytorch model, the preformance of the onnx converted model is reduced by 10%.
Is there someone who is in a similar situation to me or can you help me?

Below is the preformance that I reproduced.

                  |car    | Pedestrain    |Cyclist
CUDA-PointPillars | 67.67 | 50.40         | 56.73
OpenPCDet         | 77.28 | 52.29         | 62.68

I have the same problem, have you solved it?
Below is the performance that I reproduced.

                                 |car    | Pedestrain    |Cyclist
CUDA-PointPillars(fp16)          | 67.50 | 50.93         | 55.86
CUDA-PointPillars(fp32)          | 67.49 | 51.17         | 56.04
OpenPCDet                        | 77.09 | 51.39         | 62.46