A project demonstrating how to use CUDA-PointPillars to deal with cloud points data from lidar.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Change ROS's .bag file to kitti's format, But the performance is terrible

beyoursel opened this issue · comments

When I rosplay the .bag file and change the format into kitti's format as the input, the detected results is very terrible. Does anyone have the same problem?

you add some ros code in this base? I have some problem for my data. Can we communicate?

you add some ros code in this base? I have some problem for my data. Can we communicate?

do you fix the problem ?

you add some ros code in this base? I have some problem for my data. Can we communicate?

do you fix the problem ?

Sorry, I am not fix it now. How about we add a contact information and communicate?

you add some ros code in this base? I have some problem for my data. Can we communicate?

do you fix the problem ?

Sorry, I am not fix it now. How about we add a contact information and communicate?


I fix it now, try to remove the build folder and rebuild it.
you can input some bin file and write a visualized file to test your onnx file!