NSExceptional / TBAlertController

UIAlertController, UIAlertView, and UIActionSheet unified for developers wanting to support iOS 7 and 8.

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UIAlertController, UIAlertView, and UIActionSheet unified for developers who want to support iOS 7, 8, and 9.



  • Add pod 'TBAlertController' to your podfile, then run pod install`.

Manual installation

  • Clone this repo
  • Add TBAlertController.h, TBAlertController.m, TBAlertAction.h, and TBAlertAction.m to your project
  • Import TBAlertController.h, and optionally TBAlertAction.h if you plan to use it.


TBAlertController tries to be as much of a drop-in replacement for the iOS 7 classes as possible, and adds a simpler interface for iOS 8 by allowing you to directly add buttons instead of first creating action objects. This feature is coming soon, however, to remain consitent with UIAlertController's interface.

The only major difference for iOS 7 is that TBAlertController does away with delegates in favor of block and target-selector style actions. Delegate support will not be added, since this project is directed at developers who want to minimize code involving action sheets and alert views on iOS 7 and 8. It is possible to use the same code for both platforms; TBAlertController takes care of the rest for you.


  • No more delegates! And no more iOS 7 / 8 / 9 conditional code. One alert to rule them all...
  • Allows for reusable methods thanks to the target-selector style button actions, which usually fit on a single line.
  • Tries to be as much of a drop-in replacement for the iOS 8 API as possible. The method signatures are different but work as expected.
  • Supports adding text fields using UIAlertViewStyle for iOS 7 and 8, and addTextFieldWithConfigurationHandler: for iOS 8.
  • Add buttons directly using any of the addOtherButtonWithTitle... methods, or by creating a TBAlertAction and adding that. Adding actions directly allows for slimmer code, while creating and adding TBAlertActions works similar to how UIAlertController adds buttons.


TBAlertController *alert = [[TBAlertController alloc] initWithStyle:TBAlertControllerStyleActionSheet];
alert.title   = @"Alert";
alert.message = @"This is a message!";
[alert addOtherButtonWithTitle:@"OK" buttonAction:^(NSArray *strings) { [self pressedOK]; }];
[alert addOtherButtonWithTitle:@"Delete" target:self action:@selector(selfDestruct)];
[alert setCancelButtonWithTitle:@"Cancel"];
alert.destructiveButtonIndex = 1;

This will create an action sheet with the title Alert and a message, as well as three buttons: OK with a block style action, Delete with a target-selector style action (as well as being the "destructive" button), and a Cancel button which only dismisses the alert. The cancel button will always appear last in the list of buttons if set using one of the setCancelButton... methods.

Display an alert with showFromViewController: or showFromViewController:animated:completion:.

Actions can be added to any button, either block or target-selector style. Destructive buttons can only be added when using TBAlertControllerStyleActionSheet on iOS 7. Buttons can also be added with just a title.

The target-selector style actions also support passing a single parameter, like performSelector:withObject:.

TBAlertController *alert = [[TBAlertController alloc] initWithTitle:@"Title"
                                                            message:@"Hello world"
[alert addOtherButtonWithTitle:@"Dismiss"];
[alert addOtherButtonWithTitle:@"Say hi" target:self action:@selector(say:) withObject:@"hi"];

You can also add text fields when using the alert view style. iOS 7 only supports adding text fields using UIAlertViewStyle, while iOS 8 can add text fields using UIAlertViewStyle or via addTextFieldWithConfigurationHandler:. Text from all text fields are passed to button action blocks in an array. To add predefined text fields with UIAlertViewStyle, set the alertViewStyle property (defaults to UIAlertViewStyleDefault which has no effect). On iOS 8, you can make use of the alertViewStyle property simultaneously with addTextFieldWithConfigurationHandler:; text fields added by the alertViewStyle property will always appear at the top of the alert.

TBAlertController *alert = [[TBAlertController alloc] initWithStyle:TBAlertControllerStyleAlertView];
[alert addOtherButtonWithTitle:@"Log input" buttonAction:^(NSArray *strings) {
            NSString *first  = strings[0];
            NSString *second = strings[1];
            NSLog(@"%@ %@", first, second);
// iOS 8 only
[alert addTextFieldWithConfigurationHandler:^(UITextField *textField) {
            textField.placeholder = @"This will appear as the second text box";
// iOS 7 and 8
alert.alertViewStyle = UIAlertViewStylePlainTextInput;


The following will throw exceptions:

  • Calling any method only available in iOS 8, indicated by NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(8_0), including addTextFieldWithConfigurationHandler.
  • Adding a text field when using TBAlertControllerStyleActionSheet and setButtonEnabled:atIndex:.
  • Setting destructiveButtonIndex when using the alert view style on iOS 7 (since iOS 7 doesn't support this).
  • Passing nil for any of the folliwing: title, target, action, or a block for buttonAction:. You may pass nil to the object parameter of addOtherButtonWithTitle:target:action:withObject:, as it will call just call the parent method which takes no object parameter.


MIT license. See LICENSE file for more details.


UIAlertController, UIAlertView, and UIActionSheet unified for developers wanting to support iOS 7 and 8.

License:MIT License


Language:Objective-C 97.6%Language:Ruby 1.9%Language:Swift 0.5%