NISH1001/playx Issues
Make playx configurable
Closed 4Webdriver not working
Closed 6TODO: Test Cases
Updated 1Issue with the cli
Closed 8playx on Mac OS
Closed 10Support for rss feeds
Closed 5Traceback with hot-100
Closed 2`--auto` fails if cache is empty
Closed 2Exposing the API
Closed 4Rearrange the arguments into groups
Closed 11Inappropriate search result
Closed 6Sync Playlist Issue
Closed 17Push app to aur.
Closed 3Release: First release of playx
Closed 30Suggest related songs
Closed 13Exact Rip-Off of This Project
Closed 4[Bug] Playlist Issue
Closed 8Improve search.
Closed 3[Discussion]Playlist caching
Closed 2pl-end and pl-start issues
Closed 22Quit playlist in between.
Closed 5Logger Bug
Closed 4