NG-Joseph / BackendCodingChallenge

Assuming that we already have an existing game and I was asked to create a separate internal API service that will be called by the game to progress a players quest. As such this should be a stand-alone API project.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Backend Coding Challenge

Assuming that we already have an existing game and I was asked to create a separate internal API service that will be called by the game to progress a players quest.

As such this should be a stand-alone API project.

- Documentation Includes -

  • Tech Stack
  • How to run & Install Locally
  • Data Schema
  • API Reference
  • Running Tests
  • Authors

Tech Stack

Testing: Postman

Server: Javascript, NodeJS, ExpressJS

Other Technologies:

  • JSON
  • Postman - for testing the APIs
  • VSCode - IDE

Folder Structure

├── controllers        # Express Route Controllers for all endpoints of the app
├── data               # Where Data files are stored (JSON)
├── models             # Database models (for future replacement of JSON)
├── node_modules       # Modules installed for developing and testing the current backend
├── routes             # API routes
├── server.js          # app main file for running 
├── package.json       # 
└──          # Explain all parts of the current project

Layer Architecture

 Controllers <--> Service Layer <--> Data Access Layer

 Service Layer should be used for Game logic

Run Locally

Clone the project

Go to the project directory
(assuming you have downloaded it on your local computer / server)

  cd my-project

Install dependencies
(make sure you have node installed on the device that will be running this project)

  npm install

Start the server

  npm start
  (starts the backend at http://localhost:3030/)

To check or test if the backend is running check
@ http://localhost:3030/test/

Current Data Schema (JSON)

    "Title" [String]: "Players data storage file for the Backend Coding Challenge",

    "Version" [String]: "1.0.0",

    "Technologies Used" [Array]: [



    // Configurable Values
    "configuration" [Object] : {

        "NumberOfQuests"[Number] : 50,
        "RateFromBet"[Number] : 1.1,
        "LevelBonusRate"[Number] : 1.2


    "playersData" [Object] : {

        [PlayerID][String]: {

            "lastUpdated" [String]: Date & Time + Timezone,

            "progress" [Object] : {

                "PlayerLevel": [Number],
                "QuestPointsEarned": [Number],
                "TotalQuestPercentCompleted": [Number],
                "TotalChips": [Number],

                "MilestonesCompleted"[Array]: [

                        "MilestoneIndex":  [Number],
                        "ChipsAwarded":  [Number]


API Reference

Get all Players

  GET http://localhost:3030/api/players/list
Parameter Type Description
string Required. Your API key

Get player's state

  GET http://localhost:3030/api/state/${playerid}
Parameter Type Description
playerid string Required. Player's Id to fetch state

Post player's progress

  POST http://localhost:3030/api/progress/
Data Parameter Type Description
PlayerId, PlayerLevel, ChipAmountBet string Required

Add a new player

  POST http://localhost:3030/api/players/new
Data Parameter Type Description
PlayerId string Required. To add a new player record

Changing / Viewing Current Configuration

Values that can be viewed or changed internally

   "NumberOfQuests","RateFromBet", "LevelBonusRate"

Change "NumberOfQuests" Value

  POST http://localhost:3030/api/config/questsno/${val}
Data Parameter Type Description
val string Required. To change the "NumberOfQuests" value in the current configuration

Change "RateFromBet" Value

  POST http://localhost:3030/api/config/betrate/${val}
Data Parameter Type Description
val string Required. To change the "RateFromBet" value in the current configuration

Change "LevelBonusRate" Value

  POST http://localhost:3030/api/config/bonusrate/${val}
Data Parameter Type Description
val string Required. To change the "LevelBonusRate" value in the current configuration

Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command






Assuming that we already have an existing game and I was asked to create a separate internal API service that will be called by the game to progress a players quest. As such this should be a stand-alone API project.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%