NFIBrokerage / beeline

a tool for building in-order GenStage topologies for EventStoreDB

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Actions CI

a tool for building in-order GenStage topologies for EventStoreDB1


def deps do
    {:beeline, "~> 1.0"},
    # these are optional: add whichever adapter your project needs
    {:kelvin, "~> 1.0"},
    {:volley, "~> 1.0"}

Check out the docs here:


Beeline is a Broadway-like library for building in-order event-processors for EventStoreDB. Writing a Beeline topology is roughly the same as writing a GenStage consumer but with more configuration in the start_link/1 function.

defmodule MyApp.MyEventHandler do
  use Beeline

  def start_link(_opts) do
      name: __MODULE__,
      producers: [
        default: [
          adapter: :kelvin,
          stream_name: "$ce-BoundedContext.Aggregate",
          connection: MyApp.ExtremeClient
      get_stream_position: fn producer ->
        MyApp.Repo.get(MyApp.StreamPosition, inspect(producer))

  @impl GenStage
  def handle_events(subscription_events, _from, state) do
    # do something with the events

    {:noreply, [], state}

See the hex documentation for Beeline.start_link/2 for the configuration schema and explanation.

Why in-order?

Beeline champions in-order procesing because it can vastly simplify the writing of event processing code. By forcing strictly in-order processing, Beeline can guarantee either that all events in the stream will be handled in-order and exactly once or that the processor will halt. This avoids any potential concurrency dragons and allows an author to make assumptions about ordering.

In-order subscriptions are also very inexpensive on the EventStoreDB: stream reads and basic subscriptions cost next to nothing in terms of resources.

What if I want more complex topologies?

If you want multiple consumers or a pipeline with producer-consumers, you can write the topology using straight-up GenStage, Kelvin/Volley, and a Supervisor. Beeline is meant to be a convenience library for gluing together the most common processes and configuration for a simple in-order subscription.

If you want to handle events out of order with concurrency and batching, Broadway is an excellent choice when paired with the EventStoreDB persistent subscriptions feature. Broadway's acknowledgement system fits perfectly with the persistent subscriptions API.


  1. not to bee confused with honeycomb beelines


a tool for building in-order GenStage topologies for EventStoreDB

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Elixir 100.0%