NCI-CGR / Nanopore_RNA-seq

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Alternative Splicing Analysis Using Nanopore Long-Reads RNA Sequencing Data


This snakemake pipeline is for alternative splicing analysis using Nanopore long-read RNA sequencing data. The pipeline may be run on an HPC or in a local environment.

Major steps in this workflow include:

  1. Basing calling using BONITO
  2. Alignment using Minimap2
  3. Splicing analysis using Stringtie2
  4. Splicing analysis using Freddie

Software Requirements

User's guide

I. Input requirements

  • Edited config/config.yaml
  • Demultiplexed Nanopore fast5 data
  • Reference genome and annotation files

II. Editing the config.yaml

Basic parameters:

  • bonito: Path to the directory where Bonito is installed
  • raw: Path to the directory where demultiplexed fast5 data is stored. The name of sub-directory for each sample should be in this format: {sampleID}_fast5
  • out: Output directory, default without input: "output" in working directory
  • reference: Path to primary reference genome fasta file
  • gtf: Path to primary reference genome annotation gtf file
  • py: If use Pychopper to identify, orient and trim full-length Nanopore cDNA reads or not. Input "yes" if PCR amplification is included in the library preparation protocol; otherwise input "no".

Parameters for alignment quality filtering:

  • mq: Minmum mapping quality

Parameters for Stringtie2:

  • stringtie_opts: --conservative (conservative transcriptome assembly) --rf/--fr (stranded library), etc

Parameters for Freddie:

  • split: Path to the script
  • segment: Path to the script
  • cluster: Path to the script
  • isoforms: Path to the script
  • lic: Path to gurobi license
  • mr1: Minimum contrasting coverage support required for a breakpoint in Segment. Default: 3
  • mr2: Minimum read support allowed for an isoform in Cluster. Default: 3
  • mps: Maximum number of candidate breakpoints allowed per segmentation problem in Segment. Default: 50

Optional parameters to run the full analysis on HPV genomes:

(This function was originally designed for the HPV project, however, it can be applied to any secondary genome analysis of any species with references.)

  • hpv: Run the analysis on HPV genomes or not
  • hpv_ref: Path to HPV reference genome fasta file
  • hpv_gtf: Path to HPV reference genome annotation file

III. To run

  • Clone the repository to your working directory

    git clone
  • Install required software

  • Create conda environment using the provided yaml file and activate it after installation:

    conda env create -f env/nanopore_RNA.yaml
    conda activate nanopore_RNA
  • Edit and save config/config.yaml

  • To run on an HPC using slurm job scheduler like NIH Biowulf (Pascal GPU or higher architecture required):

    Edit config/cluster_config.yaml according to your HPC information and adjust the computing resources as needed. Run to initiate pipeline running.

  • To run in a local environment:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH={PATH}/conda/envs/nanopore_RNA/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:{PATH}/conda/envs/nanopore_RNA/lib/python3.7/site-packages/
    export GRB_LICENSE_FILE={PATH}/gurobi.lic
    snakemake -p --cores 16 --keep-going --rerun-incomplete --jobs 300 --latency-wait 120 all
  • Look in log directory for logs for each rule

  • To view the snakemkae rule graph:

    snakemake --rulegraph | dot -T png > nanopore_RNA.png


IV Output directory structure

{output directory}
├── alignment # Alignment on primary (eg human) genome
│   └── {sampleID}
├── alignment_hpv # Alignment on secondary (eg HPV) genome
│   └── {sampleID}
├── freddie # Splicing analysis on primary genome using Freddie
│   └── {sampleID}
├── freddie_hpv # Splicing analysis on secondary genome using Freddie
│   └── {sampleID}
├── reads # Base calling
│   └── {sampleID}
├── stringtie # Splicing analysis on primary genome using Stringtie2
│   └── {smapleID}
└── stringtie_hpv # Splicing analysis on secondary genome using Stringtie2
    └── {smapleID}


License:MIT License


Language:Python 74.3%Language:Shell 25.7%