NASA-GISS / freshwater-forcing-workshop

Discussions related to a virtual workshop focusing on Greenlandic and Antarctica freshwater.

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Welcome to the discussion and data hub for the virtual workshop on Anomalous Freshwater Fluxes from ice sheets and ice shelves for use in climate models that don't include interactive ice sheets.

All talks will be found on the workshop Google Drive.

To register your interest and receive the agenda and zoom links, please sign up here.

The live part of the workshop will run from Sun Feb 11th 20:00h/8pm (GMT) to Tues Feb 13th 21:00h/9pm (GMT).

Discussions will take place within this GitHub repository. To stay up-to-date with existing and new discussions, click on the watch button near the top of this page and then select All Activity or Custom > Discussions (and Issues).

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Discussions related to a virtual workshop focusing on Greenlandic and Antarctica freshwater.